Sleep your PC to Save Energy

Personal computers account for about 1% of the total carbon emissions in the world according to the PC Energy Report 2009. Almost every family in the US has at least one computer at home and the sad fact is that most of the electricity used by computers at home is wasted.  Not because the computer is […]

Check out our new logo

We have reconfigured the site to be able to better share information with you and customized it with our new look and feel.  I designed the logo to encompass the synergy of energy (sun), water, life (tree) and recycling all as seen through the lens of our lives and homes.  We hope you like it and […]

Happy Green Halloween

We hope everyone out there has a fun, safe and happy Halloween.  We hope the ghosts, goblins, princesses and all other things have fun trick-or-treating tonight. If you have a great tip or eco-friendly Halloween ideas, leave us a comment.  Our favorite tip for this year is to get second hand costumes.  You can get gently used costumes […]

Table of Contents by Label

Table of Contents by Date

We also have table of contents by topic.

Going Green Boston

Last year about this time, David Brown of WCVB Channel 5 in Boston did a Going Green Boston segment about our family and the things we have done to reduce our energy usage and “go green.” Check out the short segment.  He mentions a number of the basic things you can do: Going Green Boston: Towns […]

Tip: Skip the coffee stirrer by adding sugar and milk first

I hate those plastic coffee stirrers you find next to the coffee machine at work.  Unless you are making hot chocolate or mixing honey into tea, stirring is so unnecessary.  Instead, do what I do by putting the milk and sugar in first and then adding the coffee.  The act of pouring the coffee (or tea) […]

What incentives are available for you?

One of the most common questions I get asked by friends and strangers about renewable energy, efficiency or general sustainability is: What are the incentives for me?  Now, there are the “green” incentives like doing good for the planet and combating climate change and then there is the other type of “green,” the almighty dollar.  Fortunately, utilities, local, […]

TIP: Compost your tea bags and coffee grounds

Instead of throwing them in the trash or down the garbage disposal, compost used tea bags and coffee grounds.  Most people start the day with some sort of coffee or tea.  Hopefully you make that at home to save both money and the environment.  Take those grounds or tea and put it in your compost […]

TIP: Take the leftovers after Events

Today at the Harvest the Wind Festival as everyone was packing up, I noticed that there was still a full party tray of vegetables that Whole Foods had donated. I asked them if anything was going to be done with it and unfortunately, since food shelters won’t take open food, they were going to throw […]