Win 3 Green How-to Books!

Welcome to the Green Resolution Giveaway Hop, hosted by Happy Mothering, Easy Green Mom and Brittleby’s Corner through the Green Moms Network! This great group of green blogs wants to help you make resolutions to live a more eco-friendly and healthy life this year! At the bottom of this post is a list of other blogs offering great prizes and a super […]

Teaching Children about Plastics in the Ocean

We love going away with our friends over New Years each year.  To make it more cost effective, we rent a large beach house in the winter.  This year I took four young children on a walk to the beach to collect shells one afternoon.  The children looked for shells and discussed how they know […]

Taking Time To Appreciate Nature

Take a break today. We live busy lives today. You deserve to stop and take some time to appreciate the nature around you. My children started a new school this year and I drive the carpool most mornings. On our drive in the morning we pass the woods every day. On my way to work after […]

An EPIC Giveaway! Grass Fed Protein Bars

Green Lifestyle Changes doesn’t host a lot of giveaways, but we recently tried EPIC Bars and they were so great, we spontaneously wrote a review of them.  Thanks to the generosity of the company, we are now able to host a giveaway so one of our readers can try them too!  We are participating in […]

Boycott Thanksgiving

I asked the cashier at my local grocery store if they were open on Thanksgiving, and she said “No, thank goodness.  I don’t understand why people have to shop on Thanksgiving.”  However, the bagger had a different opinion.  She said “Well, the men watch football and the women go shopping.  That’s just natural.” What do […]

Review EPIC Grass-Fed Protein Bar

Ellie and I are attending a conference this weekend – Biodiversity for a Livable Climate. We’re learning a lot about using healthy ecosystems to capture carbon and reverse climate change. One of the techniques several of the speakers have been discussing is the use of intelligent grazing of cattle to restore ecosystems.  They have shown examples […]

A New Way to Reduce

Reducing is hard. Reducing is good for the environment. Using less is always better. But how? With three kids it’s really hard to use less. And frankly, as an American, using less is hard. It is ingrained in us from a young age to want more, more, and more and new everything. It is in […]

Children’s Book Review: The Green Kids Club

I’m always on the lookout for children’s books that reflect my values, so when the Green Kids Club contacted me to review their books, I jumped on it! They sent me the series for free, so I could review them and tell all of you about them. This series is designed to engage children in […]

Getting Started Hiking

I’ve loved to hike since shortly after I started going to a summer camp at which you hike one or two mountains each summer and then after summer camp, my mother began dragging me up Mt Washington every year. I eventually became known as an expert hiker at camp, and I think it is perhaps the only […]

Identifying Ragweed

Are you allergic to ragweed?  Jon is.  According to Wikipedia, Ragweed is a very common allergen.  Just ask around and you’re sure to find people who know they are allergic to it.  But do you know how to recognize it?  It’s a very common weed and I realized recently that I’ve seen it’s growing all over […]