B Kind 2 Earth Day

What do you have planned for Earth Day?  Will you be doing something special on Earth Day?  or over the weekend?   Do you celebrate Earth Day everyday?

We’ll be going to the dentist for Earth Day!  No,  I’m not kidding…   This year Earth Day seems to have really spread itself out.  Officially, Earth Day is April 22nd every year.  I’ll be helping to organize a location for the Great Cloth Diaper Change on Saturday the 23rd.   This is an international event to raise awareness about the benefits of cloth diapers.  You can hear me evangelize on cloth diapers on the blog post we wrote for that last week

Next week I’m organizing a tree planting for my city for Earth Day & Arbor Day.   Our city is a member of Tree City USA, and among other things, we have a commitment to be intentional about our trees and invest in their growth and care.  As part of our educational outreach we will be planting two trees next to a middle school.  The tree on the east side will be an evergreen, and serve as a windbreak.  The tree on the south side will be deciduous.  In the summer it will shade the building and in the winter it will allow the sun to warm the classrooms.

Something we are doing as a family is promoting the B Kind 2 Earth Day page on Facebook.   The Motherhood, Nickelodeon and the National Wildlife Federation have banded together to raise awareness for Earth Day.   A like for their Facebook page equals a promise to B Kind 2 the Earth on 4/22/11.  They have a bunch of suggestions for things you could do that are as simple as taking a reusable bag to the grocery store or taking the kids for a walk.  Consider reading young children an environmentally friendly book.  I accidentally stumbled across One Less Fish by Kim Michelle Toft and Allan Sheather a few years ago – here’s my review and recommendation

Another idea for Earth Day is to plant a few flowers, either outside or in a pot.  Then when you want to give someone flowers, you can give them some you grew yourself.  Check out the evils of cut flowers from our blog post Evils of Cut Flowers Revisited for Mothers Day.

Whatever you do, do something for Earth Day and consider making it something you can keep on doing every day.

Happy Greening!

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