Being Part of a Guinness World Record™! Great Cloth Diaper Change!

Today I helped out at the Great Cloth Diaper Change event hosted by the Diaper Lab in Somerville, MA.  Salina and her staff at the Diaper Lab were GREAT hosts and ran a great event!  They have a great store and if you ever need advice on cloth diapers, I HIGHLY recommend it!

Gathering for the Great Cloth Diaper Change

All 41 participating pairs arrived by noon, in plenty of time to get everyone signed in and ready to go.   We had moms, dads and at least one grandma participating in the change.  Salina did a wonderful job entertaining all the attendees for half an hour before the official diaper change!  They played games and sang songs, all while staying in their grid for the change.   I was really impressed by her ability to entertain the group for that long!

As the time for the great change approached we made some announcements – “Remember, although we will blow a whistle to start, this is not actually a race!  You do not have to complete the change in a certain amount of time.”  “In addition to entering the raffle here, you can enter a second time at the store – they have over $1000 worth of giveaways including diapers, a 1 hour massage and an UPPA BABY STROLLER!”  We were pleased to have Cloth Diapers and cloth diapering accessories generously donated by Knickernappies, Happy Heinys, Bummis, Swaddlebees, Rumparooz, Lansinoh, Crow Mountain Crafts and more!

41 Simultaneous Cloth Diaper Changes as part of 10,000

Then we announced the time and Salina blew a train whistle to start the Great Cloth Diaper Change!  We didn’t have any escapees, and my own son, who I expected to be trouble, was so stunned by everything going on that he laid still and was the first one done (courtesy of Jon)!  The photographers, both the professional photographer, Isabel Furie, and the one from the Boston Herald snapped photos.  (How great is it that even the professional photographer is a cloth diaper fan!)

We then had one final line, as we asked everyone to line up to get a swag bag full of giveaways from the Diaper Lab and other companies and an All-In-One (AIO) free diaper from Swaddlebees!  What an awesome surprise!

One of the most thrilling things for me was to see the level of excitement around cloth diapers.  These were all people who were not just using cloth diapers, but who were excited enough about them and their benefits to come out on a rainy, cold, Easter & Passover weekend to show their support and help us set a Guinness World Record™ for the most 100% reusable cloth diapers changed at once!  There were even some expecting moms their to watch and learn.

My friend Carole said “It was so fun to have that many cloth bums in one spot.”

Why cloth diaper?   I talked about it last week but here’s a summary:

  • Cloth Diapers are Better for the Environment
  • Cloth Diapers are Better for Your Baby and You
  • Cloth Diapers Cost Less

If you have, or will have a baby in diapers, then I strongly recommend you check out cloth diapers.  Don’t forget, cloth diapers don’t have to be fancy and expensive.  There are plenty of less expensive cloth diapers, WAHM (Work at Home Mom) cloth diapers on Etsy, cloth diaper giveaways, people willing to lend or donate cloth diapers and instructions for making your own out of old clothing out there to help even the most cash-strapped parents use and reuse cloth diapers!

Happy Greening!

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