Our trusty Toro Electric Snow Blower died during the first blizzard of 2015 that slammed us with 2 feet of snow. I originally thought I could repair it by replacing the broken blade, but unfortunately the motor had also reached the end of it’s usefulness. Fortunately, I was able to buy a new Snow Joe […]
Our area has had over 60″ of snow in the past 17 days. That may not sound like a lot for some people, but on average we get 44″ of snow a year and it has been so cold here that it has not been melting between the storms. This morning Ellie took my phone […]
Turn down your water heater to save energy
Many water homes have their water heaters turned up too high. Many health codes used to call for hotter temperatures for home water, to ensure that dishes and clothes got clean enough. However, science has taught us that in most cases, it is the act of rubbing the items, the agitation, that causes things to […]
Gearing Up Green for the Super Bowl
I am very excited for the New England Patriots to be in Super Bowl XLIX and almost as excited to see that LEDs will be lighting the University of Phoenix Stadium for the big game. As Katherine Tweed notes in her article LEDs Will Shine on Super Bowl Sunday, the stadium will not just be […]
Not Running Against the Wind Anymore
When Jon and I first started writing Green Lifestyle Changes over 5 years ago, we felt that we had to write it. Very few people were talking about climate change or green living. We had become aware of the issue, and we were very concerned about increasing green house gas emissions, the rising temperature of […]
Is Your Body Wash Killing Fish?
Is your shampoo, body wash, or toothpaste killing fish? Not with some crazy new chemical, but something very simple: tiny microbeads of plastic. At some point the companies that make personal care products realized that they could put tiny microbeads of plastic in products like shampoo and body wash to exfoliate or lift dirt away. Previously […]
Review of Eco-Renovation Strategies Book
We were contacted by Self-Counsel Press and asked if we would review some or all of the books in their new Green Series. We are always interested in finding good books that we can refer people to, so we agreed to review them if they sent us copies of the books and a set of […]
Win 3 Green How-to Books!
Welcome to the Green Resolution Giveaway Hop, hosted by Happy Mothering, Easy Green Mom and Brittleby’s Corner through the Green Moms Network! This great group of green blogs wants to help you make resolutions to live a more eco-friendly and healthy life this year! At the bottom of this post is a list of other blogs offering great prizes and a super […]
Taking Time To Appreciate Nature
Take a break today. We live busy lives today. You deserve to stop and take some time to appreciate the nature around you. My children started a new school this year and I drive the carpool most mornings. On our drive in the morning we pass the woods every day. On my way to work after […]
Boycott Thanksgiving
I asked the cashier at my local grocery store if they were open on Thanksgiving, and she said “No, thank goodness. I don’t understand why people have to shop on Thanksgiving.” However, the bagger had a different opinion. She said “Well, the men watch football and the women go shopping. That’s just natural.” What do […]