Review EPIC Grass-Fed Protein Bar

Ellie and I are attending a conference this weekend – Biodiversity for a Livable Climate. We’re learning a lot about using healthy ecosystems to capture carbon and reverse climate change. One of the techniques several of the speakers have been discussing is the use of intelligent grazing of cattle to restore ecosystems.  They have shown examples […]

Jon’s 2014 Green Gift Guide

My list this year is intended for me, but can apply to almost any active outdoors type man or woman. Goal Zero Switch 10 – $120 The Switch 10 is a battery pack for charging USB devices – and much more. It also has a flashlight, a fan AND it comes with a solar panel that charges […]

Children’s Book Review: The Green Kids Club

I’m always on the lookout for children’s books that reflect my values, so when the Green Kids Club contacted me to review their books, I jumped on it! They sent me the series for free, so I could review them and tell all of you about them. This series is designed to engage children in […]

Getting Started Hiking

I’ve loved to hike since shortly after I started going to a summer camp at which you hike one or two mountains each summer and then after summer camp, my mother began dragging me up Mt Washington every year. I eventually became known as an expert hiker at camp, and I think it is perhaps the only […]

What’s the Hottest New iPhone Tech – FLIR ONE Review

Over the weekend I got to play with one of the coolest new tools for an energy geek – a FLIR ONE Thermal Imaging Camera add-on for the iPhone 5/5S. You can literally measure and see how cool or hot you or anything around you is. A friend at church just got one and she knew […]

Identifying Ragweed

Are you allergic to ragweed?  Jon is.  According to Wikipedia, Ragweed is a very common allergen.  Just ask around and you’re sure to find people who know they are allergic to it.  But do you know how to recognize it?  It’s a very common weed and I realized recently that I’ve seen it’s growing all over […]

How Many Times Should You Use Your Disposable Razor?

There are a lot of things that we have been taught should be disposable, like silverware and diapers. I agree, sometimes it is wonderfully convenient and helpful to have disposable items. We took plastic forks and spoons to the beach with us this week so that we didn’t accidentally loose any of the real silverware […]

Living Smaller – Make Friends With Your Neighbors

“Bye mom, I’m going next door!” “Can I go to David’s house to get Daddy?” “Run across the street and get a cup of sugar.” Making friends with your neighbors is generally a good idea. Life is better when you know the people who live around you and you can have a conversation with them. […]

Is Poison Walking Around Your Home?

When I was a kid we finally sweet-talked my mom into a cat. She kept saying she didn’t want to be responsible for another thing that had to be taken care of, she already had four children. One day a cat started hanging around our house and we started to take care of it. When […]

I Love Being A Green Mom

People keep asking me what I’m doing for Mother’s Day this year.  We have been so busy and have had so many difficult things happening this past month that I’m just looking forward to spending some time with my husband and children appreciating being a “green mom”. I love being a “green mom”!   I love […]