Last week I wanted to make the family Indian Food over brown rice, but I was short on time and brown rice takes 40 minutes to make. I can’t tell you how many times something like this has come up for us. I’ve considered buying instant rice, and I have bought a microwave in bag […]
Take 5 Minute Showers
How long does it take to get clean in the shower? Is it 10 minutes? Did you know that a 10 minutes shower with a standard shower head can use upwards of 80 gallons of water and generate up to 4 pounds of CO2 emissions? That is not including the energy used to heat the […]
Bathe Your Children Less Often
It’s really nice karma when doing what’s best for the planet, for your children’s health and saving time & money, all align. It turns out that this is the case with bathing children, particularly infants. I’ve consulted with several pediatricians and dermatologists they agree, if your child isn’t actually dirty, it’s not necessary to bathe […]
Mighty Nest Reusable Lunch Gear Review
Mighty Nest sent us reusable lunch gear to review, we were not otherwise compensated for this post. We were not obligated to write this post and per our review policies, we only review items we like. We are so avid about packing our children’s lunches to take to school, that they actually consider it a […]
Skip the Nitrites, Love the Meat
As we have learned more about eating healthy, we have been trying to limit the amount of nitrites and nitrates that our family consumes. Even though they are used in fertilizers and rodenticides, they are still allowed additives in food in the US, typically to preserve meats. Some studies show that higher concentrations of nitrites […]
Lusting For The Nest
What can I say, we love Programmable Thermostats! They are one of the easiest and most effective ways to save energy in your home. When people ask us, “What is the one thing I should do to save energy?” we tell them to install and program a programmable thermostat. Some thermostats even program themselves like the Nest […]
Keeping Dirty Coal & Oil Offline During this Heatwave
As the east coast experiences yet another heat wave this week, we are also experiencing peak demand for electricity to run all those air conditioners. As demand increases, so does our reliance on dirtier forms of energy like coal and oil. With a few small adjustments, you can help keep the peak demand for electricity […]
Greening Birthday Parties on Mommy Splurge
Imagine my surprise one day when one of my college friends posted about a giveaway on her mommy blog. Her what? One of my college friends is writing a mommy blog and I didn’t know it? I had to double-check, I was pretty sure that Brandy was a lawyer and back in grad school too… […]
Perfectly Cooked Bacon
I love bacon almost as much as I love sausage and my kids love bacon even more. We don’t usually cook it at home because we are trying to avoid the nitrites and other nasties in most commercially available bacon. I also haven’t been able to find a bacon we can afford that we also […]
How To Write On A Cake Without Artificial Colors
Well, it seems I’m on a dessert kick recently! Last week I wrote about healthy cold desserts and the week before we wrote about camping desserts! This week it’s cake decorating. I don’t actually make a lot of cakes, and in fact, I was going to buy one this time. Some college friends are getting […]