Checking the Bee Hive

It’s an important practice to check your beehive periodically.  We check ours to see if the bees are doing a good job filling out their frames and if they’re ready for a 2nd brood box.  We also check for evidence that the queen is laying eggs, that there aren’t any queen bee cells (a sign […]

The Day the Bees Ran Away

Saturday, three days after we installed our new bees, I went into the kitchen and heard a significant buzzing in our backyard.  I looked out the back window and saw what looked like 10,000 bees flying around our backyard. I realized immediately, this was NOT GOOD.  We had installed our bees on a Wednesday. When […]

Building Our Beehive

We were very excited when our beehive finally arrived – about a year after we had decided to go in jointly on a beehive. We were very excited to build it and decided to work on it together as a group. Amazingly, it wasn’t long before we found a time that all three families could […]

The Best Bees in Massachusetts

It turns out, if you want to buy 10,000 bees and a queen bee in New England, you have to plan early. In February we received confirmation that our Flow Hive would ship in late March and realized we needed to get the bees to go with it. As we started looking around, Jon and I […]

Creating a Beehive Co-op

We have bees.  Not an infestation, but an actual honey beehive that we have setup in our backyard.  Luckily, it’s legal here, because we’ve had some problems. Last year, I spotted the Flow Hive Indiegogo crowd funding campaign and I was in love. Unfortunately, it seemed like a lot of money to invest and we don’t know […]