Alternative to TP for your Tushy

By now, I hope that most stores have restocked their toilet paper and you have been able to purchase a reasonable amount of TP. You’ve probably also seen a number of funny meme with TP alternatives like leaves or 3 sea shells (share your favorite TP memes in the comments below). Before you stockpile a […]

The green household products we use in our home

Find out the green household products we use in our home.

Greening my music – it’s about time!

Find out how you can help save the planet by buying MP3s instead of CDs.

887 miles on first tank of gas in our minivan

We recently purchased a Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid minivan and we drove over 25 days and 887 miles before our first fill up at the pump. Over that time we only used 13.3 gallons of gasoline, which works out to 66.7 MPG for a 7 passenger minivan.  We have been charging the batteries whenever we can […]

First week with our new plug-in minivan, the Pacifica Hybrid

Driving our new plug-in Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid has been amazing this week. With the exception of one problem, which I’ll get to later , we have been very pleased with this plug-in hybrid minivan.  The acceleration is fun, so far I’ve experienced 95kW all electric torque launching us forward from a stop without the internal […]

How we went from zero to owners of a plug-in hybrid minivan in 2 weeks

The weekend started off as pretty much every weekend, our kids had a ton of lessons and practices to be shuttled around to and Alicia had yet another sustainability conference she was trying to get to. This one happened to be at Tufts, which was conveniently where the kids music lessons were. The last thing […]

How bad is Bitcoin for the planet?

With the value of Bitcoin (and other digital currencies) more than doubling in December, lots of people are exploring mining for fun and profit.  I get it, I’m interested too.  Who wouldn’t want to take an idle computer and have it effortlessly crank out money?  Unfortunately, mining cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, uses a lot of electricity.   […]

Busy little Hummingbird

Back in April, I was in San Diego, California for a conference.  While walking back to my hotel room, I came across this cute little hummingbird who caught my attention. Happy Greening! Jon If you liked what you just read, please signup below to receive our blog posts and tips via email.  

Camping in the Rain

When you’ve got a trip planned with 40 of your favorite people to hang out with, you just don’t want to cancel because of a little rain!  My babysitting exchange, which also includes the members of our bee co-op, likes to go camping every spring.  This year the weather was not promising on the first […]

Dogs and Doughboys

This year on our annual camping trip I was sitting with my young friend by the fire making doughboys and discussing why some people like dogs and some don’t.  She’s a huge fan of dogs and told me she likes them so much because they are soft and cuddly and always like to play. I […]