Greening my music – it’s about time!

Find out how you can help save the planet by buying MP3s instead of CDs.

Visiting a Single Stream Recycling Sorting Facility

I recently had the opportunity to visit the Casella Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in Charlestown, Massachusetts. This is where they sort single stream recycling. I have always been fascinated by how they sort the recycling and I found the visit fascinating.  I was also struck by the fact that the person who is currently the […]

How Do You Use Less?

I work with our city’s recycling program and sometimes I talk with the waste disposal company that services our city.  They keep telling us that the goal is not really to get our residents to recycle more, but rather to use, and throw away, less. It is fascinating that this comes from a company whose […]

Environmental Books for Kids

I’m speaking tomorrow at one of our local elementary schools about recycling. I decided that it might be nice to have some follow up books to recommend to the teachers, so I stopped by our local library and asked about some recycling books for children. She recommended some books that I’ve been reading to my […]

3 Steps to Calming the Wrapping Paper Madness

Christmas is coming, and while I love having lots of people for gift opening and our kids love having lots of gifts, it makes for some craziness with wrapping paper. Some years we’re just swimming in wrapping paper and I’m always afraid we’re going to lose a gift or two in the craziness.  There are […]

Home Depot recycling holiday lights again

Home Depot is offering up to $5 off LED Holiday Lights when you recycle incandescent light strings again this year.  From now until November 17, 2013 you can get up to $5 off new LED Christmas Lights in exchange for recycling your old incandescent light strings. Here is the summary from Home Depot: Bring in […]

Make Recycling Easy

Do you ever have a day where you want to do the right thing, but it’s just too hard? I know, it happens to me a lot.  Like the winter I stopped composting because the snow was just too deep. It really helps when there are little thing you can do to make it easy […]

Recycling Wordless Wednesday

We have come across a huge variety of recycling bins during our recent travels to the Washington D.C.  Check out some of the bins we have seen while showing the children our nation’s capitol. And then we traveled out to Manassas… I wish more places offered recycling for things other than cans & bottles.  We’re […]

Environmentalist’s favorite letter is…

My kids asked me the other day: “What is a pirate’s favorite letter?” to which I smartly answered “R-rrrr.” “Wrong! A pirates favorite letter is ‘X’ because ‘X’ always marks the spot for the treasure.” What do you think is an environmentalist’s favorite letter? “R” of course for the 3-R’s in Reduce, Reuse & Recycle.  Let’s […]

What Green Thing Did Your Mom Teach You?

As I raise my children I like to think back on how my mother raised me and about the things she taught me.  Some things she taught me outright – like my ABCs.  Other things she modeled for me – like recycling and caring for our planet. I remember that when I was young, we […]