Greening Black Friday

Black Friday has turned into a huge event in the United States. Retailers have even gone as far this year to start their sales on Thanksgiving Day.  You and I can turn Black Friday Green.  For starters, really consider whether you need any items before you go out to shop the sales.  The greenest purchase […]

Review: Green Mountain Coffee – Mmmm Mmmm goood!

Fair Trade USA Certified Logo It is pretty important to us that the coffee we drink is grown in a sustainable way and that the people who grow it are paid a fair wage and have decent living conditions.  There are a number of companies that work with this and try to assure this, but […]

Why Buy Recycled?

As you’re doing your back to school shopping, look for the whether the products you are buying are made from recycled materials.  Depending on who made the product and where you’re shopping, this might be a little tag on the back, big letters on the front or a symbol next to the item on a […]

How to Find Organic, Fair Trade, Vegan & Local Chocolate Online

The name “” sounds like the kind of generic aggregator website that your average person might stumble upon when doing a general search.  You might think that they sell average chocolate to make a quick buck.  This is what I thought when the site first came to my attention.  However,  I was wrong.  Very wrong! […]

Getting Started – Use Reusable Shopping Bags

I often hear from people who want to get started going green, but there are so many things that you can do, that they are quickly overwhelmed.  I always tell people that they should pick one thing, try it, and get used to it.  Once the one thing they are doing becomes routine and natural, […]

Not All Sunscreens Are Created Equal – EWG Sunscreen Guide 2011

During the past year we have been trying to be more careful about what we put ON our bodies, as well as what we put IN our bodies. The Environmental Working Group website is a great resource for learning about chemicals in topical products and what to watch out for. This week they have released […]

Jon’s Useful Green Gift Ideas

Let’s face it, we all have too much stuff.  So this holiday season I’m taking a shift away from gadgets and gizmos to focus on gift ideas that can be used everyday and help people live a greener lifestyle. I’ve linked to some samples from, but it is even better if you can find […]

Greening Cyber Monday: Eco-friendly Packaging

So anyone with children in their lives knows that’s it’s pretty hard to avoid buying at least a few things at this time of year. We’re doing our best to find a few things that our kids will really like while still minimizing our impact on the environment. This year the Nature Conservatory has launched […]

The Cloth Diapering Accessory Every Parent Should Have

As we enter this holiday shopping system I have been trying to focus on gifts and purchases that are either consumables or things we really need. Last year I even wrote a Green Gift Guide that focuses on those sorts of items. We’re also traveling a lot and I’m trying to pack lighter. However, I […]

My first Organic Cotton Shirt

I have historically approached living green from the energy perspective, but now as I learn more about how interrelated all the various components are, like transportation, food, textiles, & energy, and how they contribute substantially to the green house effect and climate change, I have started to look beyond energy.  It also helps having done […]