GLC is Moving

Photo by: Daniel Oines

You may have noticed a slow down in our posting.  Rest assured, we have way more to share than we have have managed to write about recently. The holiday season tends to be very busy when you have kids – we’ve attended an evening holiday-related event for each of our children in the past two weeks, in addition to regular events.  We’re also traveling for the holidays, so we’ve been busy getting work wrapped up before we go away.  Another reason for the slow down is that we are moving, not physically, but on the Internet.  With the start of the new year we will be unveiling a new name and look for Green Lifestyle Consulting.

Green Lifestyle Consulting Logo
Green Lifestyle Consulting Logo

When we first started Green Lifestyle Consulting, we also planned to start a consulting business.  Instead, we have found that we’d much rather share our experiences through the blog and that we are very happy with our current jobs and busy with three kids, so we do not want to invest the time that would be necessary to develop a business plan and start a business.  Since we are not doing consulting other than answering occasional questions – which we never charge for – we want people to understand that we are a blog, and not think that we are trying to sell some sort of consulting service.

The new name and web site will be announced in January.  We are excited about the new streamlined appearance and faster performance.  Don’t worry, all of our posts and your excellent comments will move to the new site.  We will also put in permanent redirects as we move each of our over 300 posts to WordPress.

Stay Tuned and have a wonderful holiday season!
Jon & Alicia

Update: We Moved and the new name & location is 

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