Going for Solar – New Electric Meter (Step 7)

One of the steps to having a grid-tied solar installation is that you need to have an electric meter that can go both ways.  We are fortunate that we live in Massachusetts which has a long history of net-metering and our electric company, National Grid, quickly approved our application and installed our meter so effortlessly that it was almost shocking.

Our new bi-directional electric meter

One morning, shortly after our Utility Interconnection Application was approved, we had a knock on the door and the utility company was here to change the meter.  There was a brief 5 second power outage as they removed the old single directional meter and replaced it with a new bi-directional meter.  They let us know they were done and that was that.

If only more steps were this easy, everyone would have solar.

Happy Greening!
Jon & Alicia

solar PV awning
Going for Solar Series

To learn more about residential solar installations, check out our series Going for Solar, which details every step from dreaming about installing solar, through picking a contractor and the steps in construction.  We provide information and advice for every step of the way, as well as different approaches such as paying for it yourself versus leasing a system.  Don’t miss the steps on how much money we saved during our first year of usage!

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  1. Solar energy a great resource for the future and for the present to save the world every body should go for it. Closed Loop Recycling

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