Love My Fleece Nursing Pads

New babies traditionally bring a lot of disposable things with them, and the first thing that comes to mind tends to be disposable diapers. I’m currently doing a trial of different cloth diapers, and I’ll definitely do a post or two on what I’ve found. However, many women also find nursing pads to be very helpful. I thought that all nursing pads were disposable until Jon came home with medela washable nursing pads one day. They were significantly more comfortable than the disposable ones I had been using.

When we were at the Diaper Lab, Jon noticed that they had fleece nursing pads there. The fleece ones put the Medela nursing pads to shame. They are wonderful. Very soft, I’ve never had trouble with them leaking through to my shirt (there’s a waterproof side) and they can go in the washing machine – it’s recommended that you put them in a lingerie bag. I got mine from the Diaper Lab, but they don’t sell them on-line. We’ve also bought cloth diapers from Little Lions, and they have the fleece nursing pads available on-line.

If you’re nursing, or know someone who is nursing, these are the way to go!

Happy Greening!

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  1. Anyone hear of the pumpstation? I love that place, they have all sorts of products and stand by them. They test everytihng so its safe. it helped me alot.


  2. Anyone hear of the pumpstation? I love that place, they have all sorts of products and stand by them. They test everytihng so its safe. it helped me alot.


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