More Yards to Eat

Ever since I posted about vegetable gardening in your front yard, it seems like I see edible front yard gardens every where I go!  Well really, I’ve been canvassing (going door to door) for a friend who is running for the US House of Representatives, so I’ve been out and about a lot lately.  I just have to share some of these with our readers.

First, I have a friend who helps feed their family through their front yard gardening – I asked her why, because she has a large back yard.  She said that she lets her boys and dogs have free roam in the back yard, so this way her garden is actually safer from damage.  She points out that she really hasn’t spent very much on her garden, she shared the numbers:

Seeds: $10
compost: 3 bags for $6
time: not really that much after planting
water: I only water the rows, so 
     (a) less wasted water and 
     (b) fewer weeds!  
Garden that feeds a growing family in the front yard

Front yard garden that feeds a growing family.


Our friend planted in rows and hills to keep the weeds down and the gardening looking orderly

Our friend planted in rows and hills to keep the weeds down and the garden looking orderly

Out on the campaign trail I came across several gardens worth sharing, some I had the opportunity to talk to the owners, others I just snapped pictures of.

This yard has a nice fence around it, they have turned every square inch of front yard into garden

This yard has a nice fence around it. Inside the fence they have turned every square inch of front yard into garden.

Here is a close up to see some of the varieties and how densely it is planted.

Here is a close up to see some of the varieties of vegetables they are growing and how densely it is planted. They dug a trench to facilitate drainage.


tomatoes on plant stakes along a walkway

Tomatoes are supported on plant holders – the owner said it was because she ran out of tomato stakes, but I thought it made them look more decorative. She mixed zinias and marigolds in to blend the colors.

I really liked how she planted parsley at the base of a small tree.  A great use of space along her front walk.

I really liked how she planted parsley at the base of a small tree. A great use of space along her front walk.


herbs in pots on a front porch railing

This house had no front yard at all and they still managed an herb garden on the railing. There were tomato plants in pots on the stairs as well.

I hope some of these ideas help others think about how they can use their small spaces and front yards to grow more local, organic and yummy foods!

Happy Greening!



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