Myths and Truths About Breastfeeding Preemies in the NICU

Today I’m over at Intoxicated on Life writing about breastfeeding when babies are born early and are in the NICU.  Moms who have had a baby that spent time in the Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit know that there are a lot of barriers to breastfeeding those babies.  My twins were so early that they couldn’t breastfeed when they were born – they were fed through a tube placed straight into their stomachs for more than two weeks.  I had complications such that I didn’t even start trying to pump until two days after they were born.  Even with these obstacles, I managed to establish a good milk supply and breastfeed both babies until they were eleven months old.

To read about some of the obstacles you might run into and the realities of what can be done, head on over to my post Breastfeeding and Pumping During and After Your Baby’s NICU Stay on Intoxicated on Life.

My post is part of a series of over 40 posts on breastfeeding, check them all out!

Happy Greening,

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