In Partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation, Catalog Spree Will Plant One Tree per Download during Earth Month
Alicia looking at Catalog Spree on the iPad Catalog Spree will plant one tree for every download of the app during the month of April – up to 25,000 trees – to help the Arbor Day Foundation reforest Pike National Forest in Colorado.
Catalog Spree contacted us to tell us about the commitment they have made to the Arbor Day Foundation to plant one tree for every download of their iPad App, Catalog Spree, during the month of April. Jonathan borrowed an iPad so that I could give it a test run and check out Catalog Spree. I like it. I think it’s great to be able to really flip through catalogs, just like I would the paper ones, without having to have the paper catalogs around the house. I like the page turning action, the ability to zoom in, and the ability to click through to the company’s website to get more information about the item than just what is listed in the catalog. Clicking through to the site also allows me to find out if the item is in stock and if it happens to be on sale. Using the catalog app allows me to browse through the company’s offerings MUCH faster than browsing websites.
I don’t shop a lot, I try not to buy a lot of new things, but when I’m looking for something, I really like the speed and format of flipping through a regular catalog.
Using the app provides a lot of benefits that paper catalogs can’t:
- I know I have the most recent catalog
- I don’t have to hold on to catalogs, or get them sent to me
- I don’t have to find the catalog
- I use less paper
- I can click through directly to the right item on the website
There is one thing that I didn’t like about Catalog Spree, and that is their selection of catalogs for women’s fashion was not what I would want it to be. They didn’t have Chadwicks, Talbots or LL Bean, all sites that I shop from occasionally.
Using Catalog Spree is “green” if it means that you will use it instead of getting catalogs sent to your home. It’s NOT green if it means you’re going to buy a lot more stuff (but that is good for the economy, so there are tradeoffs).
They also have a web interface, so you can browse the catalogs on the web, but that won’t count for them to plant a tree.
As far as their partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation? Now THAT is green! Download the app, check it out, and they’ll plant a tree! Woo hoo!
Approximately 53 million trees are cut down annually to produce the 3.6 million tons of paper required for the 19 billion catalogs mailed in the U.S. each year (source: For consumers, tablets offer a way to enjoy sustainable and immediate access to digital catalogs. For retailers, there’s an economic incentive to going green as digital catalogs save costs related to paper, printing and postage.“Both Catalog Spree and the Arbor Day Foundation are committed to saving trees and promoting reforestation through responsible consumer behavior. Our partnership and the 25,000 trees initiative is a natural fit for everyone involved,” said Joaquin Ruiz, CEO of Catalog Spree. “Downloading our top-rated free shopping app in April is an easy way for consumers to help plant a tree and start living a greener lifestyle by browsing catalogs on their iPads.” “Catalog Spree is already saving trees by offering its innovative catalog app in place of the traditional printed material,” said Dan Lambe, Vice President of Programs for the Arbor Day Foundation. “We’re glad to be working with them on going a step further by planting a new tree for every catalog app downloaded.”
Now you need to cancel those catalogs? Here are some methods:
- For a $1 fee, sign up with the Direct Marketing Association’s Mail Preference Service (MPS),, to receive only the catalogs you actually want. A similar service is available through Catalog Choice,
- When you receive a catalog you don’t want, call the company directly to be removed from their databases.
- Get the App, Paper Karma. Enter your name and address (once) then take a picture of the catalog, upload it to their servers, and they will contact the company for you to remove you from the list. Paper Karma is available for the iPhone, iPad, Android & Windows Phone
Happy Greening!
Tell us in the comments: What catalog would you like to see on Catalog Spree?
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