We tried being a one-car family exactly four years ago. Our Volkswagon Passat was ruined by water that got in through the vent system and turned our car into a moldy short-circuited mess before we noticed it. Back then, Jon and I both worked at MIT and the children were at the daycare on campus. […]
Review: My Experiences With the Plug-in Prius
My kids sitting in the back of the Toyota Plug-in Prius On September 16, 2011, Toyota officially unveiled the Plug-in Prius, pricing, options and its availability. This is particularly exciting to me, because we have been using one of the early prototypes from Toyota’s test fleet at work. I have had the opportunity to drive […]
Clean Air Act Controversy – In Her Own Words, Lisa P. Jackson
Have you heard the debate about the new Mercury and Air Toxins rule proposed by the EPA? This rule would reduce the amount of mercury that power plants can put out by 90%. The technology exists and according to Lisa Jackson of the EPA, 50% of our coal power plants already have this technology in […]