Input Wanted on Carbon Tax Legislation

Last week, two Senators (Whitehouse & Schatz) and two Congressmen (Wasman & Blumenauer) proposed new legislation to tax green house gas emissions (GHG).  This is commonly known in countries that have passed one, as “a carbon tax”.   Alicia & I feel that a properly implemented carbon tax would be a real benefit to both the […]

We need a planet doctor to the ER – Stat!

Every time I hear Ed Markey speak, the more I want to do to help him get elected as the next United States Senator from Massachusetts.  He has been a leader in addressing environmental and climate issues since he first went to Washington over thirty years ago.  Addressing climate change is a major part of […]

Ed Markey’s Record on Climate Change

We moved into our home about ten years ago and I’ve known ever since that my U.S. Representative to Congress is Ed Markey.  What I did not realize until more recently is that he has been a long time leader on climate change and the environment. My first hint of Congressman Markey’s leadership on the environment was […]

The Solution to Climate Change is…

What’s the problem? Climate Change is caused by man made CO2 emissions Who can solve the climate change problem? The consumers (you and me) by the choices we make everyday How Can We Solve Climate Change? With Pennies Per Pound How can paying a few pennies per pound of CO2 emissions make a difference? Everything […]

Time to Find Common Ground

A friend shared this video with me and now I am sharing it with you.  Please take the next two minutes to watch this fun and important speed-drawing video about climate change and then share it with your friends. It’s Time to Find Common Ground — Speed-Drawing Video on Bipartisan Solutions to Climate Change The […]

Physics Doesn’t Give a Damn

I was reading Bill McKibben’s most recent article entitled Obama Versus Physics – Why Climate Change Won’t Wait for the President and it reinforced my feelings that we must act now and aggressively to address climate change.  Given what has not happened in Washington over the past two years, I am not hopeful that our broken political […]

Dealing with Climate Change Overload

Don’t forget to slow down, take a break and make time for something purely for yourself. We are very concerned about climate change and how it is, and will, affect the world we live in.  How it will impact our every day lives and the quality of life our children will have as the grow […]

Climate Change is NOT a Joke – Vote!

Satellite image take Sat, 27 Oct 2012 at 10.45am ET shows Hurricane Sandy along the eastern United States coastline trackingnorthward. Photograph: AP With Hurricane Sandy, the biggest storm in history, bearing down on the East Coast of the United States, I find it appalling that one of the presidential candidates thinks Climate Change is a […]

Join Us For Earth Hour 2012

Join us for Earth Hour 2012!When: 8:30-9:30PM March 31, 2012 – Your local time!Where:  Anywhere & Everywhere! Earth Hour is a global awareness initiative that we can all participate in to raise awareness about climate change.  Millions of people around the world turn off their lights to show that they support action on climate change.  […]

Don’t Delay on Climate Action!

Photo by Julian Koschorke for Speak Your Mind Please sign this urgent petition by calling for the US to not push for a delay on Climate Action until 2020.  The world can’t wait to act! We can’t wait to act!  Please sign it now. Sign USA: Don’t Delay on Climate Action! Petition We have […]