Jon Stewart: Check Out the Appalling Lack of US Interest in Climate Conference

Durban, South Africa 11/28-12/9/2011 Jon Stewart: Do you know that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is happening right now?  Like most Americans, you probably haven’t even heard of the 17th Conference of Parties (COP17).  The conference started last week in Durban, South Africa, and continues a long series of such negotiations […]

Live Reporting from Durban – COP 17

If you think we live a green lifestyle, you should meet Alicia’s brother Jeff.  He makes us look like wasteful people who don’t believe in climate change.  Jeff and his wife share a home in London with 5 other people, he bicycles to work 8 miles each way through London traffic, and they are vegan. […]

Answers to your questions about Pennies Per Pound

As I have been speaking to people about my Pennies Per Pound CO2 Energy Stamp & Tax Idea I have been hearing a number of questions and concerns.  I love hearing from people that totally support the program, but it is even more important for me to hear from those that don’t support it yet […]

Why Pennies Per Pound Better Than Cap & Trade

Why Pennies Per Pound is better than previous Cap & Trade ideas? Pennies Per Pound is simple and therefore significantly easier for people and business to understand and predict.  Pennies Per Pound would apply to everyone, not just major polluters, so everyone would be invested in saving energy and money. Cap & Trade is a […]

My Mother’s Day Wish For My Children

A gift from my daughter This afternoon when I picked my daughter up from school she handed me a craft she had made and said “Here, this is your Mother’s Day Gift.  I don’t know when Mother’s Day is, so I’m giving it to you now.”  She is 6 years old.  How sweet is that?   […]

Earth Hour 2011 Coming Up Fast!

This Saturday, March 26th from 8:30 to 9:30 PM is Earth Hour. Join us in turning off your lights. Individuals, business, organizations and municipalities are turning off their lights around the world to show support for environmentally sustainable action. Landmarks around the world will be turning off their lights this year, including: • The world’s […]

Take AIM at Climate Change

“Take AIM at Climate Change” music video I saw the “Take AIM at Climate Change” music video last night at an event I helped organize about environmental stewardship and felt the need to share it.  In the video, a group of young artists sing about and explain the basics of climate change and inspire people […]

Learning Wrong Lessons from Nuclear Disaster in Japan

Smoke rises from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power complex in this still image from video footage March 14, 2011. Photograph: Reuters Tv/Reuters I fear that as a world, and particularly in this country, we are taking away the wrong lessons from the nuclear disasters happening in Japan as a result of the 5th worst earthquake in […]

Join the Global Work Party this Sunday 10/10/10

 is organizing a Global Work Party to raise awareness and make a call for action across the world to address climate change. Getting involved is easy.  Over 6,300 events in 187 countries are already planned.  To find a fun event near you, check out the Map of Action.  Feel like doing more and organizing your […]