Turn down your water heater to save energy

Many water homes have their water heaters turned up too high. Many health codes used to call for hotter temperatures for home water, to ensure that dishes and clothes got clean enough. However, science has taught us that in most cases, it is the act of rubbing the items, the agitation, that causes things to […]

Take 5 Minute Showers

How long does it take to get clean in the shower?  Is it 10 minutes?  Did you know that a 10 minutes shower with a standard shower head can use upwards of 80 gallons of water and generate up to 4 pounds of CO2 emissions?  That is not including the energy used to heat the […]

Making Sense of Watts and Watt-Hours

One of the hardest concepts to grasp related to energy savings is what is the difference between a watt (W) and a watt-hour (Wh).  If you are going to try to understand your electricity consumption and savings, it is very important to get this key concept.  Unfortunately, we can’t see electricity flowing through a wire […]

Getting Rid of Fruit Flies Naturally

I hate fruit flies!  They’re really easy to attract.  Some fruit left a little too long, an escaped grape or blueberry, or just really hot humid weather and every day food.  If you don’t want fruit flies to keep reoccurring, you must clean up the source.  I find that once I figure out the main attraction, […]

Top 10 Reasons I Love My Local Farmers Market

I love going to my local farmers market.  I used to think that going to a farmers market was an opportunity to get inexpensive food.  I’ve since learned that that’s not why you go to a farmer’s market. The top 10 reasons why I love my local farmer’s market: Timmy loves his bread! 10. Fresh […]

Living Green Can Be Easy – Appreciating the Natural World

Our kids named this “Y Log” Often we think living greener means spending more money, making a sacrifice or making an extra effort.   But living green doesn’t have to be hard.  Some things that are good for our health, good for the environment and good for our state of mind are easy too.   Today, I […]

Stay At Home Moms: Save A Little More on Heating Bills

Most Stay At Home Moms I know are always looking for little ways to save a little more.  They also tend to be in and out of the house on an irregular basis: today home for laundry, tomorrow out to the grocery store and then the next day, one quick errand has you out of […]

Do-It-Yourself Halloween Decorations

My neighbors put out a number of Halloween decorations and my children wanted some too.  I politely explained to them how I don’t believe in using electricity to shine lights on decorations or to blow fans to make decorations stand up.  I also explained that it wasn’t good for the environment to go buy a […]

Trash At The Beach – Why You Shouldn’t Litter

We went to the beach this summer and the first day there was so much trash in the ocean that I was inspired to do a post in the style of the many “Wordless Wednesday” blog posts.  This is a collection of pictures of the trash we found on the Jersey Shore. What struck us […]

Why Buy Recycled?

As you’re doing your back to school shopping, look for the whether the products you are buying are made from recycled materials.  Depending on who made the product and where you’re shopping, this might be a little tag on the back, big letters on the front or a symbol next to the item on a […]