October Hot Topics

While the Shutdown has monopolized the news cycles this week, a few other articles & posts have caught my attention, that I’d like to share with our readers: Monsanto Strikes Again Monsanto is a huge corporation that produces genetically modified seeds for farmers.  They are best known for things like suing farmers that accidentally have […]

The Greatest Hershey’s Creamery Discovery Ever!

Last week, after dropping Ellie off at camp, I offered to stop at an ice cream stand in New Hampshire to buy my children ice cream. We pulled over, walked around to the window, and I saw the great big sign “Hershey’s Ice Cream”. Oh No! I’ve been boycotting Hershey’s for more than a year […]

3 Ingredient Chocolate Fudge with Responsibly Sourced Chocolate!

I come from a family that makes cookies during the holiday season.  I have fond memories of my parents and siblings all working together to churn out batches and batches of cookies, particularly chocolate chip cookies.  I’m certain that’s when I learned to eat cookie dough, because once when I was in elementary school, one […]

Review of Newman’s Own Organic Treats

We want our family to eat healthy foods.  However,  I have to admit it, we all have a taste for sweets too.  For that matter I really enjoy sweets on occasion.  Eating sweets should not have to mean that we have to give up our goals of avoiding high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors and artificial flavors. […]

Review: Green Mountain Coffee – Mmmm Mmmm goood!

Fair Trade USA Certified Logo It is pretty important to us that the coffee we drink is grown in a sustainable way and that the people who grow it are paid a fair wage and have decent living conditions.  There are a number of companies that work with this and try to assure this, but […]

How to Find Organic, Fair Trade, Vegan & Local Chocolate Online

The name “Chocolate.com” sounds like the kind of generic aggregator website that your average person might stumble upon when doing a general search.  You might think that they sell average chocolate to make a quick buck.  This is what I thought when the site first came to my attention.  However,  I was wrong.  Very wrong! […]

Evils of Cut Flowers Revisited for Mothers Day

We’ve written about the environmental evils of cut flowers before around Valentines Day in our post Roses are Red, Not Green – Give Chocolate Instead. I am horrified by all the radio and TV ads for giving Mom flowers this Mothers Day.  Even my 5 y.o. twins came to me begging to buy mommy flowers […]

Roses are Red, Not Green, Give Chocolates Instead!

The number one reason to give chocolates instead of roses is of course TASTE! Have you ever tasted a rose? I don’t advise it, especially with all those thorns. In all seriousness, roses, especially those flown in from Latin America for Valentines Day (or Mothers Day) are not environmentally friendly and have a whopping environmental […]