We have bees. Not an infestation, but an actual honey beehive that we have setup in our backyard. Luckily, it’s legal here, because we’ve had some problems. Last year, I spotted the Flow Hive Indiegogo crowd funding campaign and I was in love. Unfortunately, it seemed like a lot of money to invest and we don’t know […]
Unplug the Family
We’ve recently tried to reduce the amount of TV our kids watch and increase the amount of time we spend as a family by playing board games and card games after dinner. I wish I could say it has been a huge success, but I am glad to report we have made some progress. We […]
Road Tripping with Our C-Max Hybrid
I recently took my three kids on a trip to New York City for the weekend in our new Ford C-Max. This was the first long road trip we had taken with our C-Max and the car performed beautifully. On this drive, I was solo parenting. All three kids (twins age 8 and a 3-year-old) […]