Raising Healthy Kids: Avoid BPA

Classic Glass Baby Bottle – BPA Free Update: The FDA is planning to decide whether or not to continue allowing food packaging that leaches BPA by March 31, 2012. There is no time to lose – the FDA has to hear from you before it makes its call. The government needs to know that Americans […]

Thinking About Consuming Pesticides and Chemicals

Organic, brown rice cooking in a rice cooker I started cooking the last from my large bag of organic brown rice and started wondering if the smell was a little off.  Has it started to turn?  I feel like my organic and natural foods seem to go bad faster than the “conventional” foods that I […]

Green Game Plan For Your Super Bowl Party

As a huge Patriots fan, I’m so psyched for Superbowl XLVI and it is even better because the Patriots are playing the Giants, my in-laws’ team to whom the Patriots lost to in Superbowl XLII. Earlier this week, the NFL and the Indianapolis Hosts took action to make Super Bowl XLVI the greenest yet buy […]

Alicia’s Random Reading List – December 2011

I’ve had a bunch of things on my mind this week thanks to some blog posts and articles that have popped up on my radar.  I thought several of them are worth sharing with our readers. The first is around BPA, organics, pesticides and the food we feed our children.  I have been trying to […]

Review: No-Spill Insulated Kids Food Container by Contigo

We have been using inexpensive reusable plastic containers in our kids lunches for a number of years to be as waste free as possible. We have generally been using Ziploc or Glad snap together containers to send food in for their lunches. Now we love (and they demand) the Contigo Kids Stainless Steel Scout Food […]

Review: No-Spill Water Bottles by Contigo

We have been on the search for good reusable water bottles that don’t leak and that we like for a long time.   Last winter we discovered the Contigo 17 oz. AUTOSEAL® Swish water bottle and it has been a favorite of Alicia’s ever since.   Contigo offered us the opportunity to review some of their products […]

Review: Green Mountain Coffee – Mmmm Mmmm goood!

Fair Trade USA Certified Logo It is pretty important to us that the coffee we drink is grown in a sustainable way and that the people who grow it are paid a fair wage and have decent living conditions.  There are a number of companies that work with this and try to assure this, but […]

Extra Hurricane Tips for "Greenies"

As I was working through the list of things that the government recommends you do before a large storm, http://www.fema.gov/hazard/hurricane/index.shtm a few extra things occurred to me that I thought I should share with my fellow “greenies“. Take Out Window FansWe have several wonderful window fans that help circulate air through our house. They’re convenient […]

Green Ways to Stay Cool in a Heat Wave

We’ve been posting a little less often than we’d like. With the kids home from school for the summer we have less time for things like writing blog posts. The past few days of much hotter than usual weather for our area has made us think about some tips for staying cool while still being […]

How to Find Organic, Fair Trade, Vegan & Local Chocolate Online

The name “Chocolate.com” sounds like the kind of generic aggregator website that your average person might stumble upon when doing a general search.  You might think that they sell average chocolate to make a quick buck.  This is what I thought when the site first came to my attention.  However,  I was wrong.  Very wrong! […]