Late Fall Broccoli Harvest

We live in the Boston area and we’ve already had some significant frost, in fact this afternoon we were clearing ice off the picnic table.  Most of my garden has been put to bed, but there are still a few things producing.   This leads me to thinking about what items to plant next year […]

Green Thumbs Up for Joe’s American Bar & Grill

Last weekend we took our family out to dinner at Joe’s American Bar & Grill to celebrate our wedding anniversary.  The food and service were excellent, even with two rambunctious 5 years olds.  At the end of the meal, we had a leftovers and asked to take them home.  Of course getting the 5 of […]

Eat Your Presents

Consider classy consumables for presents.   It really makes people feel good to give gifts to people they love, even if they don’t need anything, and as much as some people protest, it’s hard to find anyone who doesn’t love receiving a thoughtful gift. I’ve been telling Jon for years that I really don’t need […]

TIP: Take the leftovers after Events

Today at the Harvest the Wind Festival as everyone was packing up, I noticed that there was still a full party tray of vegetables that Whole Foods had donated. I asked them if anything was going to be done with it and unfortunately, since food shelters won’t take open food, they were going to throw […]