Super-huge zucchini from our garden On return from our recent trip I was strongly reminded that in addition to getting pet-sitters, it’s really a good idea to arrange for garden sitters as well. If you know someone who’d really like to try their hand at gardening and is willing to weed and water as well […]
The Consequences of Science Denial
Michael Specter, a staff writer for the New Yorker, gives a great talk about the consequences of science denial in his TED Talk: The danger of science denial. He eloquently expresses my feelings about why the objections to genetically modified organisms (GMO) and vaccines are stupid and harmful. Vaccine-autism claims, “Frankenfood” bans, the herbal cure […]
How we came to be Corn Fed Americans
Last night, I watched the documentary King Corn and it has changed my views on inexpensive food and how big of unintended consequences shifts in governmental policy can have. Most of the American diet these days comes from corn. Not the sweet juicy ears you can sink your teeth into during the summer, but rather […]
Late Fall Broccoli Harvest
We live in the Boston area and we’ve already had some significant frost, in fact this afternoon we were clearing ice off the picnic table. Most of my garden has been put to bed, but there are still a few things producing. This leads me to thinking about what items to plant next year […]