How bad is cooking with gas for your family?

Gas is great to cook with, but can generate unhealthy air quality conditions for you and your family.

Your Perfect Lawn Makes Me Sick

Every day I drive the carpool to school and we drive past lots of yards.  Some have gardens, some have bushes, some have scraggly grass, some have grass with brown spots, but a couple are absolutely, perfectly green. They don’t have any weeds, no dandelions, not one blade is out of place and they are […]

I haven’t worn antiperspirant in 3 years and no one noticed

A few years ago, my mom gave me crystal deodorant as a gift.  I was skeptical as I am typically wary of the “green” things she gives me, as she has a tendency to fall for green washing. I had been using traditional deodorant & antiperspirant since puberty, and I really wanted to get away from it because of the […]

Need Help Picking New Mattresses For Our Children

When we first bought our house we considered it our “starter house.”  Something that was big enough for the 2 of us, and maybe a kid or two.  We thought that by the time our kids were ready for school we would be buying for bigger house in a different school district.  But times and […]

How I got my son excited for yogurt!

I pack the lunches for my twin 3rd graders and my preschool almost every morning.  I try very hard to keep their lunches healthy, interesting and as natural as possible.  With three very different eaters, this is a challenge. Recently I have discovered a trick to getting my preschool son to love yogurt in his […]

Acupuncture – Beyond Western Medicine

Welcome to the December 2012 Natural Living Blog Carnival: Natural Remedies. This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Natural Living Blog Carnival hosted by Happy Mothering and The Pistachio Project through the Green Moms Network. This month our members have written posts about how they use natural remedies in their homes. —– Jon […]

Dealing with Climate Change Overload

Don’t forget to slow down, take a break and make time for something purely for yourself. We are very concerned about climate change and how it is, and will, affect the world we live in.  How it will impact our every day lives and the quality of life our children will have as the grow […]

Natural Medicine – Rinsing Your Nose

I was rushing off to work this morning and didn’t want to stop and rinse my nose. It’s kind of gross and takes time that I didn’t really think I had, in fact, I never like to think I have it.  Did I mention I think it’s gross? I commented out loud about rinsing my […]

The Summer Olympics Inspires Young Athletes – Sometimes

“Mom, why is there a horse dancingon TV? I think dogs jumping and doingflips would be more interesting.”after a few minutes watching Dressage. Every 4 years the Summer Olympics inspire thousands, if not millions of young girls and boys to take up gymnastics and swimming. Impressionable young children watch hours and hours of these sports, not just […]

I Can’t Exercise for Exercise’s Sake

I can’t stand to exercise just for the sake of exercising. As a working parent of three active kids, I don’t have the time to go to the gym or workout at home to exercise. I even have had trouble this year fitting in 5 minute blocks of targeted exercises from my physical therapy to […]