What Should I Set the Thermostat To?

This morning Timmy was calling and calling for us and when I rolled over, I realized that it was already light out.  Sigh, he wanted to get out of bed and we didn’t.  We have strategically convinced him that it isn’t safe to climb out of his crib, by convincing him that he’d get hurt […]

Stay At Home Moms: Save A Little More on Heating Bills

Most Stay At Home Moms I know are always looking for little ways to save a little more.  They also tend to be in and out of the house on an irregular basis: today home for laundry, tomorrow out to the grocery store and then the next day, one quick errand has you out of […]

Green Ways to Stay Cool in a Heat Wave

We’ve been posting a little less often than we’d like. With the kids home from school for the summer we have less time for things like writing blog posts. The past few days of much hotter than usual weather for our area has made us think about some tips for staying cool while still being […]

Tip: Open the Curtains in the Winter

One thing I get asked about a lot is windows.  There are a lot of misconceptions about windows and energy savings, mostly thanks to companies that are interested in selling their products.  Here’s an easy thing to do and to see results from: if you have a window that the sun shines directly through in […]

GreenTip: Latch Your Windows

Are your windows closed but the outside sounds are a little noisy?  Does there still seem to maybe be a draft?  Before running out to price new windows (and fall over in shock), check to see if the latch is shut.  Those latches aren’t really there for security,  they are there to insure that your […]

Where do you use the most energy?

Where do you use the most energy?  Is it heating your home?  Powering the refrigerator? Heating water for showers and dishes? Powering your entertainment center?  In order to really understand how you use energy, you will need to install some sort of home energy monitoring system like the TED-5000, but you can extract an amazing […]

Our Green Little Secret for Turning Up the Heat in Bed

We have a secret for staying toasty warm in bed so we can turn down the heat at night.  Our green little secret is an electric mattress pad.  In the olden days they used to heat up bricks and stick them under the covers to warm them up before crawling into bed.  Thankfully we no longer have to […]

Greening Your Home Before Travel

As we prepared to leave for the holidays today we realized that there were several things we could do to save money and energy while we were gone.   While Jon is driving, I have a spare minute to write about some of the things we did and you should consider doing as well. We […]

Insulating Our House Really Worked!

This fall we finally insulated our walls and increased the insulation in our attic.  We had blown in cellulose put in.   It rocks.   Today the high was 25°F outside plus a wind chill in the single digits. Our upstairs thermostat was set to 55°F during the day and it never fell below 62°F […]

Jon Learns about Expanding Foam at HEET Barnraising

This past weekend I participated in my first Home Energy Efficiency Team (HEET) Weatherization Barnraising.  About 35 folks showed up to lend a hand. Several companies helped by sponsoring the event and providing some of the supplies, including our favorite supplier, EFI. We were divided into teams based on what we wanted to learn and […]