I haven’t worn antiperspirant in 3 years and no one noticed

A few years ago, my mom gave me crystal deodorant as a gift.  I was skeptical as I am typically wary of the “green” things she gives me, as she has a tendency to fall for green washing. I had been using traditional deodorant & antiperspirant since puberty, and I really wanted to get away from it because of the […]

The Easiest Way to Save Water

Stop! Quick  – do you turn the water off when you brush your teeth? Really?  Are you sure? Think about it the next time you brush your teeth.   How much effort does it take to turn on the water, wet your toothbrush, then turn off the water?  When you’re done brushing, turn the water […]

Picking Safe and Effective Sunscreen for the Family

Everyone agrees that protecting your skin from sun damage is important, but with all the toxic chemicals in sunscreen today, it is really hard for a parent to choose the right sunscreen for their kids and themselves. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) puts together their sunscreen guide each year carefully comparing the listed ingredients in over […]

Too Many Chemicals on Your Clothing? Vinegar as a Fabric Softener

Vinegar as Fabric Softener In addition to trying to protect our environment and use less energy, I’m always looking for ways to simplify and save money.  Last summer I discovered that instead of fabric softener or dryer sheets or balls, many people use vinegar in the rinse cycle of their laundry.  This isn’t a new […]

J.R. Liggett’s Bar Shampoo Review

This post was originally part of the Green is Beautiful Giveaway Hop, hosted by Happy Mothering! We had never tried – or even heard of – bar shampoo before this Christmas when I received J.R. Liggett’s bar shampoo and shelf from my Mother-In-Law.  This shampoo is the best! I had previously trained my hair to […]

Diva Cup Review

My sister and I are two totally different types of people and we live crazy-different lifestyles.   However,  we both like to be green and we do talk about all kinds of personal things, like feminine products.  So when I told her that Lunapads.com had approached me about reviewing their eco positive period products, she told […]

Alicia’s Random Reading List – December 2011

I’ve had a bunch of things on my mind this week thanks to some blog posts and articles that have popped up on my radar.  I thought several of them are worth sharing with our readers. The first is around BPA, organics, pesticides and the food we feed our children.  I have been trying to […]

Green Resolutions Giveaway Hop – Jan 16-30 2012

We are very excited to be participating in another Green Blog Hop!  There are several things that are really exciting about this one! I’m excited about the reason behind the blog hop! The organizers have put this together because they really wanted to participate in a blog hop that was focused on GREEN New Year’s […]

LIttle Things to Make A Big Difference – Try Bar Soap

Looking for some simple things to change that allows you to lessen your impact on the environment in a big way?  Here’s one that might seem simple and small, but if everyone changed, it could impact the environment from a number of different angles – switch from liquid soap to bar soap.   Soap is such […]

Living Healthier Through Sunscreen

We have been working recently on being more careful about what we put ON our bodies, as well as what we put IN our bodies. This summer we are being a lot more careful about putting on sunscreen, both on ourselves and the children. Jon and our older son have always had sensitive skin that […]