LIttle Things to Make A Big Difference – Try Bar Soap

Looking for some simple things to change that allows you to lessen your impact on the environment in a big way?  Here’s one that might seem simple and small, but if everyone changed, it could impact the environment from a number of different angles – switch from liquid soap to bar soap.   Soap is such […]

Green Ways to Stay Cool in a Heat Wave

We’ve been posting a little less often than we’d like. With the kids home from school for the summer we have less time for things like writing blog posts. The past few days of much hotter than usual weather for our area has made us think about some tips for staying cool while still being […]

Getting Started – Use Reusable Shopping Bags

I often hear from people who want to get started going green, but there are so many things that you can do, that they are quickly overwhelmed.  I always tell people that they should pick one thing, try it, and get used to it.  Once the one thing they are doing becomes routine and natural, […]

Greening Your Drycleaning – the Green Garmento – Giveaway

Do you do a lot of dry cleaning?   The most “Green” thing to do if you do a lot of dry cleaning is to stop.  However,  if you have a very formal workplace and wear suits a lot,  that’s probably just not possible.   In that case, my suggestion is to find a green […]

Treading Lightly for Lent

Tread Lightly in Lent 2011Presbyterian Church Environmental Ministries Instead of giving something up for Lent, I have decided to take on the actions of the “Tread Lightly for Lent 2011” put together by the Presbyterian Church USA Environmental Ministries.  Basically, this is a calendar for the 40 days of Lent on which each day has […]

Why Use Cloth Diapers? Change 3 Things Campaign

I use cloth diapers because they are good for the environment.  I want to limit the amount of waste that I send to landfills and incinerators and I want to limit the amount of natural resources that are consumed for products that I just throw away. Some people use cloth diapers because of the health […]

Tip: Simple Water Saving Ideas

Here’s a very simple tip for saving water that I never did until it was pointed out to me: when filling the tub for a bath, close the drain before turning on the water.  I find that most people adjust the water running out of the faucet to the temperature that they want it to […]

Calming the Wrapping Paper Madness

This morning I read a blog post on Practically Green about how to avoid mountains of holiday trash.  It’s a good article.  You should read it and take the quiz on Practically Green.  Love the site.   Then reflect on how you can best apply their advice to your holidays.   I started thinking about the mountains […]

Greening Cyber Monday: Eco-friendly Packaging

So anyone with children in their lives knows that’s it’s pretty hard to avoid buying at least a few things at this time of year. We’re doing our best to find a few things that our kids will really like while still minimizing our impact on the environment. This year the Nature Conservatory has launched […]

Line-Drying Your Laundry

I never thought I’d hang dry my laundry.  I kept thinking about how heavy the laundry basket would be coming out of the basement and then how I wouldn’t want my neighbors seeing my laundry hanging out. We’ve hung blankets in our basement before, but I’m not comfortable with the dust and kitty litter down […]