What is Important When Buying a New Room Air Conditioner

This is for Jen. Earlier this week was the hottest day in our area all year – by far – and it was only June.  That day I was picking my kids up from my friend’s house, and she told me that her air conditioner had decided to leap to its death – literally.   […]

My Favorite "Green" iPhone App: TreeHugger

A few days ago TreeHugger released their new iPhone App with the same name.  I have been using the mobile TreeHugger site for months on my iPhone with reasonable success, but the iPhone app is so much better.  The TreeHugger app provides a very straightforward, clean access to the wonderful content at TreeHugger.com.  I’ve tried […]

First Days with our TED-5000 Home Energy Monitor

Understanding your home energy usage is an important step to to reducing it.  You can get a good first start by just looking at your energy bills and thinking about why there are peaks and valleys and how this year compares to last.   To go beyond looking at your bills and save even more, you need […]

More Green Stuff from CES 2010

Following up my earlier post about Shades of Green from CES, here is a look at some more thing I noticed.  Thanks to Engadget and TreeHugger for their coverage. Smart Grid Home ControllerThis nifty device bridges Zigbee power meter and Z-Wave home automation.  This is totally for the geek, but I do love to see […]

Shades of Green from Consumer Electronics Show 2010

In flipping through the Endgadget coverage of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2010 in Las Vegas this week, I noticed a few green products that are worth mentioning.  There are way too many ebook readers and LED & OLED based HDTVs so I won’t even begin to discuss those, but here are some more interesting […]