We stumbled across a book this week that helped us talk to our twins about the Gulf Oil Spill. We weren’t sure how much they knew about the disaster, but after 6 weeks of headline news, we figured they probably knew something about it. We didn’t intend to have this conversation when we did, but […]
Make and Freeze Chocolate Chip Cookies
Our family has been trying to eat healthier and eat in ways that are better for the environment. These are actually two different goals, but they are often compatible and many people interested in one are interested in both, like we are. Some of the things we have been doing are trying to eat more […]
Find TerraCycle Products at WalMart For Earth Month (April)
A couple months ago, I setup a TerraCycle Juice Pouch Brigade at our church to collect and upcycle juice pouches. This is a real win-win idea as it provides money for non-profit organizations and diverts reusable materials from the landfill. It is also a great project to involve the kids since they are the biggest […]
Vegan Buttercream Icing and Chocolate Cake
Many people are vegan for environmental reasons and we could write many posts on the topic. However, I’m currently not eating dairy or soy because of the baby. As a result, I’ve been discovering many new vegan treats, particularly in the cereal bar and dessert lines. I have been finding that many mainstream items don’t […]
Resource: EIA Energy Kids
Teaching our kids about saving energy and the environment is very important to me and Alicia. The U.S. Energy Information Administration has an extremely useful site aimed at teaching kids about saving energy called energy KIDS. The information is very useful for adults as well. It provides a good overview of how energy is generated and […]
To Cloth Diaper or Not To Cloth Diaper?
We had a tough time deciding whether or not we would use cloth diapers. We thought they’d be expensive, that the laundry would be too much, that they’d smell or that I’d be grossed out by them, but through the debates, we kept coming back to the fact that they are just much better for […]
Keep Out The Drafts Quickly and Cheaply
Last night the wind was blowing here in Massachusetts, and it was blowing hard. I’m working on a post about windows, and whether you should replace them, but right now, in January, I think most people want to know what they can do today to keep out the drafts. My favorite quick solution is plastic […]
Green Snow Removal
In New England, snow is a part of life and dealing with it is something you have to do. We currently have about a foot of snow and it’s still coming down steadily. So what are the greenest ways to move it out of your way? Greenest – Snow Shovel The greenest (and cheapest) is […]
Upgrading Your Existing Decorations to LEDs
I have always loved the spiral tree lights in front of homes during the holidays. I broke down and bought one a few years ago, but it only lasted two seasons before half of the lights stopped working. I was bummed, but wasn’t about to buy another one to have it go out in a […]
Taking the Brown Bag out of Brown Bag Lunches
I have been trying to find ways to reduce my family’s impact on the environment in ways that are low-impact on our family. I also try to find things that are inexpensive or save us money at the same time. Regardless of how much money you have, it’s always good to save money where you can, […]