Camping With Friends

We love to camp.  We’ve been camping every Memorial Day weekend with the same group of friends since long before we were married. Conveniently, some of our very good friends have children similar in age to ours, which has made continuing to have family outings together easy. Many of these outings have inspired camping posts from […]

Wordless Wednesday – Appreciating Snow

I listened to a live town hall on the phone with EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy this evening.  Gina asked people to please take their children and grandchildren outside to play. She said that children need to learn to appreciate and connect with nature and this happens from going outside. This fit so well with my […]

Recycling Wordless Wednesday

We have come across a huge variety of recycling bins during our recent travels to the Washington D.C.  Check out some of the bins we have seen while showing the children our nation’s capitol. And then we traveled out to Manassas… I wish more places offered recycling for things other than cans & bottles.  We’re […]

Growing, Growing, Growing Potatoes in a Garbage Can

Wordless Wednesday Our regular readers are aware that this year we started growing potatoes in a garbage can.  They’ve grown very fast, so here is a picture walk through the process: We started with these: We let them cure overnight on the windowsill: And planted them in a can: About three weeks later we had […]

Solar Thermal Around Boston

Today I spent the day at one of the full day workshops kicking off NESEA’s (North East Sustainable Energy Association) Building Energy 12 Conference.   I went to Solar Thermal Best Practices and Performance Data organized by the Mass Clean Energy Center because I am looking into solar thermal options for my community.   It was a […]

Wordless Wednesday – Back to School Eco-Style

Here’s are some snapshots from our Back to School shopping.  We tried where ever possible to get environmentally friendly school supplies for our twin second graders. Crayons made with solar power Markers made with recycled plastic FSC Certified Notebook Made with reforested wood Composition notebooks made from sugar cane Full view of the sugar cane […]

Trash At The Beach – Why You Shouldn’t Litter

We went to the beach this summer and the first day there was so much trash in the ocean that I was inspired to do a post in the style of the many “Wordless Wednesday” blog posts.  This is a collection of pictures of the trash we found on the Jersey Shore. What struck us […]