Throughout the week we share a number of “green” stories and articles on the Green Lifestyle Consulting’s Facebook Timeline and through our twitter account @grnlifestyle. Here are a few stories that particularly caught our attention this week.
How We Dyed Our Easter Eggs Using Natural Ingredients
Growing up, we dyed Easter Eggs every year, and it was something I always looked forward to. Over the last few years, I have become very conscious about the chemicals in everything—and common Easter Egg dye is no exception to that.
CNET Review of Nest Learning Thermostat
CNET doesn’t typically review thermostats, but the Nest Learning Thermostat isn’t a typical thermostat.
Why Styrofoam is Bad!
…And now I will take it a step further… Dunkin Donuts!! They are probably the single biggest food producer that creates Styrofoam waste! 3 billion Styrofoam cups are purchased and disposed of each year in the US from customers of Dunkin Donuts!!
Federal Court Judge Rules: FDA Must Follow Its Own Antibiotic Overuse Order
The FDA has been unforgivably slow to act and though it’s not clear why they lag behind, it is clear that agriculture is one of the biggest lobbying operations in DC and they are strongly opposed to any move to limit or ban the use of antibiotics in livestock.
Jon Stewart and Pres. Nasheed of the Maldives explain the science of #350ppmIn this unedited interview, former Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed urges the U.S. government to impress upon the Gayoom dictatorship the need for democratic elections.
You can like us on facebook and/or follow us on twitter to get these stories as we share them throughout the week. We love it when you join in the discussion and share your own links on our wall.
Happy Greening!
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