Green America is trying to push Congress to act and support Clean Energy investment in the US. One idea that they are floating is making Clean Energy Victory Bonds (CEVBs) to help finance the rapid development of renewable energy projects and energy efficiency upgrades. What do you think of the idea?
I signed up to show my support because I think the idea is great for the following reasons:
- Most people cannot afford to invest in renewable energy directly, but could buy a $100 savings bond or several. A typical solar PV residential installation will cost about $20,000.
- Combining the investments across the nation would make a lot of capital available for renewable energy and efficiency upgrade projects. Green America estimates the CEVBs could be leveraged to create up to $200 billion in public and private financing. That’s a lot of solar panels and insulated buildings.
- The projects would create something like 1.7 million new jobs according to Green America.
- Would hopefully not be something Congress could dip into to fund other budget line items like they did recently with DOE funding.
Visit Green America’s Clean Energy Victory Bonds (CEVBs) page for more information about the CEVBs and to show Congress how much you support Clean Energy.
Happy Greening!
Congress dipping into the fund….that would be a main concern. I support the concept.