Being Green in Politics & on Vacation

I want to apologize to our readers for not having more posts last week and this week on green living.  Last week we were at a family wedding, all of our children were in the wedding, aren’t they cute?

Ring Bearer and Flower Girl
Jr Groomsman and Flower Girl

Alicia has been volunteering on the Elizabeth Warren for US Senate campaign in Massachusetts and has been devoting most of her extra time this week to the campaign.   We believe that in addition to living green, it is important to have green policies and programs that help reduce green house gasses.  Therefore we need to elect people to public office who agree with these values.

Alicia’s recording of part of Governor Deval Patrick’s speech at the Massachusetts Democratic Convention

So please bear with us while we focus on living, and campaigning green for a few weeks.  Are you volunteering on any political campaigns this season?

Happy Greening!

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  1. The video was awesome. loving it. green living

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