Repair – the 4th R after Reduce, Reuse & Recycle

Apple Watch disassembled for replacing the screen

Greening my music – it’s about time!

Find out how you can help save the planet by buying MP3s instead of CDs.

First week with our new plug-in minivan, the Pacifica Hybrid

Driving our new plug-in Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid has been amazing this week. With the exception of one problem, which I’ll get to later , we have been very pleased with this plug-in hybrid minivan.  The acceleration is fun, so far I’ve experienced 95kW all electric torque launching us forward from a stop without the internal […]

How we went from zero to owners of a plug-in hybrid minivan in 2 weeks

The weekend started off as pretty much every weekend, our kids had a ton of lessons and practices to be shuttled around to and Alicia had yet another sustainability conference she was trying to get to. This one happened to be at Tufts, which was conveniently where the kids music lessons were. The last thing […]

Camping with Thermo-electric Generation (Powered SmartPhones)

While camping over Memorial Day this year, I witnessed several people complaining about their SmartPhones (iPhones, etc.) and having to sit around the bathroom trying to get even to 20% charge. Last year Alicia and I had to coordinate who had the chargers and cables to plug in our iPhones so that we could keep […]

What’s the Hottest New iPhone Tech – FLIR ONE Review

Over the weekend I got to play with one of the coolest new tools for an energy geek – a FLIR ONE Thermal Imaging Camera add-on for the iPhone 5/5S. You can literally measure and see how cool or hot you or anything around you is. A friend at church just got one and she knew […]

Addicted to Electricity

“My life would be miserable and I wouldn’t ever be happy, unless I had a shelf full of boardgames in my room [if I didn’t have electricity].” “If you’re not charging your iPod, could you plug in my iPhone?”  “I have another cable, I can plug them both in.” Our family is driving down the […]

Visiting a Single Stream Recycling Sorting Facility

I recently had the opportunity to visit the Casella Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in Charlestown, Massachusetts. This is where they sort single stream recycling. I have always been fascinated by how they sort the recycling and I found the visit fascinating.  I was also struck by the fact that the person who is currently the […]

Lusting For The Nest

What can I say, we love Programmable Thermostats!  They are one of the easiest and most effective ways to save energy in your home.  When people ask us, “What is the one thing I should do to save energy?” we tell them to install and program a programmable thermostat. Some thermostats even program themselves like the Nest […]

How many miles do you have to drive to afford a Tesla?

How many miles do you have to drive to afford a Tesla? Ok, so driving more will not actually enable you to afford a Tesla Model S, or any model for that matter, but if you can afford to buy a luxury sedan, then considering the Model S as compared to similar cars is a […]