The green household products we use in our home

Find out the green household products we use in our home.

Greening my music – it’s about time!

Find out how you can help save the planet by buying MP3s instead of CDs.

Listening to Vernal Pools

Can you identify the sounds around this vernal pool?

Green Household Products Delivered – ePantry now Grove Collaborative

Updated: ePantry is now Grove Collaborative Here are the reasons we love Grove Collaborative: ✦ 100% carbon neutral shipments ✦ Sustainable materials ✦ Reduce plastic waste ✦ Cruelty-free products ✦ Ingredient transparency We get our regular Grove shipments with laundry detergent, recycled toilet paper without plastic packaging, tissues and dish soap.  We have switched to some of […]

Turn down your water heater to save energy

Many water homes have their water heaters turned up too high. Many health codes used to call for hotter temperatures for home water, to ensure that dishes and clothes got clean enough. However, science has taught us that in most cases, it is the act of rubbing the items, the agitation, that causes things to […]

Is Your Body Wash Killing Fish?

Is your shampoo, body wash, or toothpaste killing fish? Not with some crazy new chemical, but something very simple: tiny microbeads of plastic. At some point the companies that make personal care products realized that they could put tiny microbeads of plastic in products like shampoo and body wash to exfoliate or lift dirt away. Previously […]

Taking Time To Appreciate Nature

Take a break today. We live busy lives today. You deserve to stop and take some time to appreciate the nature around you. My children started a new school this year and I drive the carpool most mornings. On our drive in the morning we pass the woods every day. On my way to work after […]

Boycott Thanksgiving

I asked the cashier at my local grocery store if they were open on Thanksgiving, and she said “No, thank goodness.  I don’t understand why people have to shop on Thanksgiving.”  However, the bagger had a different opinion.  She said “Well, the men watch football and the women go shopping.  That’s just natural.” What do […]

Getting Started Hiking

I’ve loved to hike since shortly after I started going to a summer camp at which you hike one or two mountains each summer and then after summer camp, my mother began dragging me up Mt Washington every year. I eventually became known as an expert hiker at camp, and I think it is perhaps the only […]

How Many Times Should You Use Your Disposable Razor?

There are a lot of things that we have been taught should be disposable, like silverware and diapers. I agree, sometimes it is wonderfully convenient and helpful to have disposable items. We took plastic forks and spoons to the beach with us this week so that we didn’t accidentally loose any of the real silverware […]