Recently I had the pleasure of learning a more effective way to manage projects. The two day course, titled Scrum Product Owner training, was taught by Jeff Sutherland, the inventor and co-creator of Scrum and author of Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time. During the class he mentioned having two Tesla […]
Interview with Jeff Sutherland – Inventor of Scrum and Renewable Energy Advocate
Breaking Ice Dams with Lady’s Lingerie
Do you have ice dams on your house? While the long term solution to preventing ice dams is proper air-sealing and insulation under your roof, people with ice dams want to know what to do now, not next spring. A good way to deal with them in the middle of winter is using discarded pantyhose filled […]
Turn down your water heater to save energy
Many water homes have their water heaters turned up too high. Many health codes used to call for hotter temperatures for home water, to ensure that dishes and clothes got clean enough. However, science has taught us that in most cases, it is the act of rubbing the items, the agitation, that causes things to […]
Review of Eco-Renovation Strategies Book
We were contacted by Self-Counsel Press and asked if we would review some or all of the books in their new Green Series. We are always interested in finding good books that we can refer people to, so we agreed to review them if they sent us copies of the books and a set of […]
Win 3 Green How-to Books!
Welcome to the Green Resolution Giveaway Hop, hosted by Happy Mothering, Easy Green Mom and Brittleby’s Corner through the Green Moms Network! This great group of green blogs wants to help you make resolutions to live a more eco-friendly and healthy life this year! At the bottom of this post is a list of other blogs offering great prizes and a super […]
What’s the Hottest New iPhone Tech – FLIR ONE Review
Over the weekend I got to play with one of the coolest new tools for an energy geek – a FLIR ONE Thermal Imaging Camera add-on for the iPhone 5/5S. You can literally measure and see how cool or hot you or anything around you is. A friend at church just got one and she knew […]
Understanding 50% Jump in Our Natural Gas Usage
As I reviewed our energy consumption for 2013, I noticed a shocking thing: our natural gas usage for December jumped by over 50% this year. As a family that tries very hard to live green, save energy and has made numerous energy efficiency improvements, this was not the sign we wanted to see. Our usage […]
Lusting For The Nest
What can I say, we love Programmable Thermostats! They are one of the easiest and most effective ways to save energy in your home. When people ask us, “What is the one thing I should do to save energy?” we tell them to install and program a programmable thermostat. Some thermostats even program themselves like the Nest […]
Heating Degree Days and Cooling Degree Days
Have you ever had the feeling that this winter (or summer) was milder or harsher than normal? With all the talk of climate change, global warming and extreme weather, I certainly have. Do you want to see how your energy use is doing compared to previous years, but realize that since last winter was so […]
Simple Steps to Saving Energy and Money
Regular readers of our blog may remember that I work as the energy manager for our municipality. Recently I was at a reception in honor of our municipality receiving an award for our Go Green program. and I had the opportunity to spend some time chatting with the wife of our Mayor. She asked me: What is […]