Find out the green household products we use in our home.
The green household products we use in our home
Greening my music – it’s about time!
Find out how you can help save the planet by buying MP3s instead of CDs.
Breaking Ice Dams with Lady’s Lingerie
Do you have ice dams on your house? While the long term solution to preventing ice dams is proper air-sealing and insulation under your roof, people with ice dams want to know what to do now, not next spring. A good way to deal with them in the middle of winter is using discarded pantyhose filled […]
Boycott Thanksgiving
I asked the cashier at my local grocery store if they were open on Thanksgiving, and she said “No, thank goodness. I don’t understand why people have to shop on Thanksgiving.” However, the bagger had a different opinion. She said “Well, the men watch football and the women go shopping. That’s just natural.” What do […]
A New Way to Reduce
Reducing is hard. Reducing is good for the environment. Using less is always better. But how? With three kids it’s really hard to use less. And frankly, as an American, using less is hard. It is ingrained in us from a young age to want more, more, and more and new everything. It is in […]
How Many Times Should You Use Your Disposable Razor?
There are a lot of things that we have been taught should be disposable, like silverware and diapers. I agree, sometimes it is wonderfully convenient and helpful to have disposable items. We took plastic forks and spoons to the beach with us this week so that we didn’t accidentally loose any of the real silverware […]
Environmental Books for Kids
I’m speaking tomorrow at one of our local elementary schools about recycling. I decided that it might be nice to have some follow up books to recommend to the teachers, so I stopped by our local library and asked about some recycling books for children. She recommended some books that I’ve been reading to my […]
3 Steps to Calming the Wrapping Paper Madness
Christmas is coming, and while I love having lots of people for gift opening and our kids love having lots of gifts, it makes for some craziness with wrapping paper. Some years we’re just swimming in wrapping paper and I’m always afraid we’re going to lose a gift or two in the craziness. There are […]
Environmentalist’s favorite letter is…
My kids asked me the other day: “What is a pirate’s favorite letter?” to which I smartly answered “R-rrrr.” “Wrong! A pirates favorite letter is ‘X’ because ‘X’ always marks the spot for the treasure.” What do you think is an environmentalist’s favorite letter? “R” of course for the 3-R’s in Reduce, Reuse & Recycle. Let’s […]
Children Love Books That Reflect Their Values
I love it when my children get excited about the things that are important to me. The other day my daughter was lamenting to me that there was a book at school that she really wanted to show me, but it was at school. I suggested to her that she tell the teacher that she […]