The green household products we use in our home

Find out the green household products we use in our home.

Greening my music – it’s about time!

Find out how you can help save the planet by buying MP3s instead of CDs.

Green Household Products Delivered – ePantry now Grove Collaborative

Updated: ePantry is now Grove Collaborative Here are the reasons we love Grove Collaborative: ✦ 100% carbon neutral shipments ✦ Sustainable materials ✦ Reduce plastic waste ✦ Cruelty-free products ✦ Ingredient transparency We get our regular Grove shipments with laundry detergent, recycled toilet paper without plastic packaging, tissues and dish soap.  We have switched to some of […]

Boycott Thanksgiving

I asked the cashier at my local grocery store if they were open on Thanksgiving, and she said “No, thank goodness.  I don’t understand why people have to shop on Thanksgiving.”  However, the bagger had a different opinion.  She said “Well, the men watch football and the women go shopping.  That’s just natural.” What do […]

Jon’s 2014 Green Gift Guide

My list this year is intended for me, but can apply to almost any active outdoors type man or woman. Goal Zero Switch 10 – $120 The Switch 10 is a battery pack for charging USB devices – and much more. It also has a flashlight, a fan AND it comes with a solar panel that charges […]

A New Way to Reduce

Reducing is hard. Reducing is good for the environment. Using less is always better. But how? With three kids it’s really hard to use less. And frankly, as an American, using less is hard. It is ingrained in us from a young age to want more, more, and more and new everything. It is in […]

Amazon Packaging FAIL

Why does Amazon insist on using a card board box to ship everything? Today I received a Windows Update Card (i.e., something the size of a credit card that has the license key printed on it) attached to a card board insert inside a much bigger cardboard box. In all they used 260 grams of […]

Don’t Trust Marketing and Labels

I have to start by saying: I have friends and relatives that work in marketing. Not everyone that works in marketing is a lying scumbag, but some are. To start with, the goal of marketing is to get you to use or buy their product rather than another product or nothing at all. I’m not really […]

3 Steps to Calming the Wrapping Paper Madness

Christmas is coming, and while I love having lots of people for gift opening and our kids love having lots of gifts, it makes for some craziness with wrapping paper. Some years we’re just swimming in wrapping paper and I’m always afraid we’re going to lose a gift or two in the craziness.  There are […]

Jon’s 2013 Green Gift Guide for Dads and more

Happy Holidays! Dads can be particularly difficult to buy gifts for because they often have what they need and want really big things like a 3D Printer or a new computer.  Need an idea for what to get him? Looking for something he doesn’t have yet? Here’s my list of things for the dad that has almost […]