People keep asking me what I’m doing for Mother’s Day this year. We have been so busy and have had so many difficult things happening this past month that I’m just looking forward to spending some time with my husband and children appreciating being a “green mom”.
I love being a “green mom”!
I love that my children ask, “Is this trash or recycling?” when they don’t know the answer.

Notice how full our recycling bin is and how empty our trash barrel is.
I love that when we go places my children point our solar panels and wind turbines to me.
I love that when my children ask for sweets, they know that I’m likely to ask them what healthy food have they eaten. Sometimes, they come right up and say, “Mom, I had an apple and mac and cheese, can I have some candy now?”
I love that when I tell them “No, you can’t have a Hershey Bar, it’s against my values.” they don’t argue, get confused or whine, they just ask for something else.
I love that my children beg to plant seeds and when I tell them not to walk or play in the end of the garden because it is planted already, they don’t play there. It’s not that they listen well and do everything I say, they listen because they respect the garden. I wish that when I said “Don’t build structures out of random things you find in the yard and carport.” they listened just as well!
I love that my children like to watch shows like “How It’s Made” and “Cosmos” on TV.
I love that my son loves wearing cloth diapers, and that he has learned to take them off all by himself to go the bathroom. I love that some day I’ll be done with diapers completely.
I love that sometimes we go to the Farmers Market because my children beg me to take them there.

Taking a break, eating some ice cream together.
I love that not only do I care about the planet and want to do something about climate change, the health of my children and everyone else on the planet, but my family cares too. I love that we are making these efforts, as a family, to do what we can to make the world a better and safer place for everyone.
Happy Greening and Happy Mothers Day!
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I love that while most kids would pick up candy off the floor (at an event…not everyday stuff lol) my daughter was scrounging around for broccoli!
I love it when CelloPlayer spots a community bulletin board and goes, “Mom! give me a CelloMom business card, I’ll pin it there.”
Happy Mother’s Day, Alicia!
Great post!!! Your kids are ready for the world they will need to live in when they are adults.