We drink coffee every day, but we don’t regularly buy it at coffee shops. To be honest, we avoid the coffee shops more because we can’t stand to spend $3 on a cup of coffee than because the environmental impact of all those single use coffee cups. I especially hate those styrofoam cups that our Massachusetts based big coffee chain uses. Back to the point, whether it is save some green or be green, you should get a good reusable coffee mug and take it with you.
We recently found the best reusable coffee mug for the job:
- Spill Proof – Even with their lids on, all of our previous travel mugs spill a little when tipped over, even if we had already drank all the coffee or tea. The Contigo Autoseal Mugs don’t spill. We’ve take them in our canvass bags for outings, had the toddler knock it over and even flipped them upside down to show friends. Not a drop spilled in the month we’ve had them. Our toddler even brings the coffee I make to Alicia in the morning and no spills.
- Insulated – The double walled vacuum insulation really works. One of the reasons we tried them in the first place was Alicia was complaining that her coffee got cold by the time she got around to drinking it all. Now it stays hot all morning long, well at least as long as the coffee lasts.
- Stainless Steel – The mugs are made from stainless steel, which means they do NOT contain BPA and they are recyclable if it does get smashed somehow. Also, the stainless steel is rugged and will not pick up the flavor like our previous coffee mugs did. Tea with the hint of coffee is gross.
- Dishwasher Safe Top – The top can go in the dishwasher, which is the part that really needs it since that is what you drink from and gets the coffee in it. The main body is easily washed in the sink. The brushed stainless body is dishwasher safe. Worst case is that the exterior paint, which never comes in contact with your beverage might flake off.
We’ve found the mugs to be very well constructed, easy to use and rugged. The one downside is that because it is stainless steel, you can not reheat the contents in the microwave. Fortunately, the insulation keeps the contents nice and hot for several hours, so reheating isn’t as necessary. Ok, the other downside is that on cold winter mornings, the mug will NOT warm your hands. I guess the insulation really works.
We initially purchased a pair of the mugs at BJs for $20 to try out. We have since bought a second pair and put away all of the other travel mugs. If you are a regular coffee or tea drinker on the go, these are a must try item. Even if you must have that coffee from the shop, ask them to put it in your mug instead of the throw away cups, they might even give you a small discount.
Happy Greening!
And I totally forgot to include that they fit nicely in car cup holders of all sizes. 🙂