Green Christmas Guide Giveaway: Reusable Coffee Mug & Superba Coffee

Enter to Win Me BelowContigo 16oz. West LoopStainless Steel Travel Mugwith AUTOSEAL® Technology We love coffee, but there are a number of things about drinking coffee that really bother us, such as disposable cups and coffee farming that hurts our planet. As part of the first annual Green Christmas Gift Giving Guide giveaway hop hosted […]

Review: Green Mountain Coffee – Mmmm Mmmm goood!

Fair Trade USA Certified Logo It is pretty important to us that the coffee we drink is grown in a sustainable way and that the people who grow it are paid a fair wage and have decent living conditions.  There are a number of companies that work with this and try to assure this, but […]

No Spill Reusable Coffee Mugs

We drink coffee every day, but we don’t regularly buy it at coffee shops.  To be honest, we avoid the coffee shops more because we can’t stand to spend $3 on a cup of coffee than because the environmental impact of all those single use coffee cups.  I especially hate those styrofoam cups that our […]

Tip: Skip the coffee stirrer by adding sugar and milk first

I hate those plastic coffee stirrers you find next to the coffee machine at work.  Unless you are making hot chocolate or mixing honey into tea, stirring is so unnecessary.  Instead, do what I do by putting the milk and sugar in first and then adding the coffee.  The act of pouring the coffee (or tea) […]