End of the Line For Christmas Trees

As the holiday season wraps up it’s time to dispose of Christmas Trees.  If you’re one of the 30 million households that got a cut live Christmas Tree, you’re probably thinking about disposing of it now.  Where I live we have curbside pickup of Christmas Trees as part of our Waste Management contract.  The trees […]

Extra Hurricane Tips for "Greenies"

As I was working through the list of things that the government recommends you do before a large storm, http://www.fema.gov/hazard/hurricane/index.shtm a few extra things occurred to me that I thought I should share with my fellow “greenies“. Take Out Window FansWe have several wonderful window fans that help circulate air through our house. They’re convenient […]

Teaching Your Children to Compost Video

We have found that teaching our kids environmentally friendly practices while they are young has lifelong positive repercussions.  Things that you do when you are young become part of your habits and your way of living, while changing behaviors as an adult can be difficult and challenging.  By having them do green things when they […]

Treading Lightly for Lent

Tread Lightly in Lent 2011Presbyterian Church Environmental Ministries Instead of giving something up for Lent, I have decided to take on the actions of the “Tread Lightly for Lent 2011” put together by the Presbyterian Church USA Environmental Ministries.  Basically, this is a calendar for the 40 days of Lent on which each day has […]

When Living Green Isn’t What’s Best For Your Family

Wow, that sounds like an odd thing for our blog “When living green isn’t what’s best for your family.”  I think it’s important for people to realize that sometimes you have to make choices, and if certain things and certain situations aren’t the right things for your family, that’s OK. For each person, lifestyle choices […]

EcoMonday Week in Review, May 3rd-9th 2010

We are going to start a new thing.  We hope to review the previous week for the top news articles that tickled our green fancy and share them with you our readers.  If you have an article that you think is really interesting or relevant, please let us know. Planet Green: Composting: It’s Easy, Awesome […]

Thinking Green When Traveling

While recently attending a conference in Denver, CO, many green travel tips occurred to me and I was also pleasantly surprised by the number of green things already in place.  Many of my thoughts below cluster around the idea  of “Use only what you need” which is what I found posted on stickers in the Colorado […]

TIP: Reducing the ICK factor in composting with a countertop compost bin

Composting is a great way to avoid sending vegetable scraps to the landfill while at the same time making nutrient rich compost for your garden.  With a few tips you can avoid the ICK factor altogether and make composting easier.  One simple step is to use a table or countertop compost bin to temporarily store […]

Green Thumbs Up for Joe’s American Bar & Grill

Last weekend we took our family out to dinner at Joe’s American Bar & Grill to celebrate our wedding anniversary.  The food and service were excellent, even with two rambunctious 5 years olds.  At the end of the meal, we had a leftovers and asked to take them home.  Of course getting the 5 of […]

TIP: Compost your tea bags and coffee grounds

Instead of throwing them in the trash or down the garbage disposal, compost used tea bags and coffee grounds.  Most people start the day with some sort of coffee or tea.  Hopefully you make that at home to save both money and the environment.  Take those grounds or tea and put it in your compost […]