No Spill Reusable Coffee Mugs

We drink coffee every day, but we don’t regularly buy it at coffee shops.  To be honest, we avoid the coffee shops more because we can’t stand to spend $3 on a cup of coffee than because the environmental impact of all those single use coffee cups.  I especially hate those styrofoam cups that our […]

Jon’s Useful Green Gift Ideas

Let’s face it, we all have too much stuff.  So this holiday season I’m taking a shift away from gadgets and gizmos to focus on gift ideas that can be used everyday and help people live a greener lifestyle. I’ve linked to some samples from, but it is even better if you can find […]

The Cloth Diapering Accessory Every Parent Should Have

As we enter this holiday shopping system I have been trying to focus on gifts and purchases that are either consumables or things we really need. Last year I even wrote a Green Gift Guide that focuses on those sorts of items. We’re also traveling a lot and I’m trying to pack lighter. However, I […]

From Books to Oil Spills – One Less Fish

We stumbled across a book this week that helped us talk to our twins about the Gulf Oil Spill.  We weren’t sure how much they knew about the disaster, but after 6 weeks of headline news, we figured they probably knew something about it.  We didn’t intend to have this conversation when we did, but […]

Recycled Toilet Paper

Toilet paper is one of those things I just can’t see us doing without in today’s world.  Unfortunately most toilet paper on the market is made from virgin paper, which means it is straight from trees and does not have recycled content.  Fortunately there are a number of good options for recycled toilet paper available in […]

TIP: Reducing the ICK factor in composting with a countertop compost bin

Composting is a great way to avoid sending vegetable scraps to the landfill while at the same time making nutrient rich compost for your garden.  With a few tips you can avoid the ICK factor altogether and make composting easier.  One simple step is to use a table or countertop compost bin to temporarily store […]

Building your Energy Savings Toolbox – Kill-a-Watt meter

We can all reduce how much electricity we use around our homes and offices.  Everything in our lives plugs in these days, whether it is our cell phone chargers, or cable boxes or computers, they all use electricity.  The important questions about each appliance/device are: How much does it use when you are using it? […]

Love My Fleece Nursing Pads

New babies traditionally bring a lot of disposable things with them, and the first thing that comes to mind tends to be disposable diapers. I’m currently doing a trial of different cloth diapers, and I’ll definitely do a post or two on what I’ve found. However, many women also find nursing pads to be very […]

Installing a Low Flow Showerhead can save thousands of gallons of water per year

With a few dollars, a few minutes and pair of pliers you can save thousands of gallons of water and the energy and money to heat it by installing a low flow shower head. Here’s how Time: 5-10 minutes Parts: Low Flow Shower Head Recommended: Niagra Chrome Earth Showerhead 1.5gpm from EFI – $11 Tools […]