Greening Your Family Home Screen Do you find that when you go to the grocery store you can’t remember which fruits and veggies are on the Dirty Dozen or the Clean Fifteen? Do you look at the sunscreen shelves and try it remember if it was oxybenzone or avobenzone that is bad for you and […]
Review: Catalog Spree – No Need For Paper Catalogs!
In Partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation, Catalog Spree Will Plant One Tree per Download during Earth Month Alicia looking at Catalog Spree on the iPad Catalog Spree will plant one tree for every download of the app during the month of April – up to 25,000 trees – to help the Arbor Day Foundation […]
Diva Cup Review
My sister and I are two totally different types of people and we live crazy-different lifestyles. However, we both like to be green and we do talk about all kinds of personal things, like feminine products. So when I told her that had approached me about reviewing their eco positive period products, she told […]
LunaPads Review & Giveaway (OVER)
This giveaway is over, but you can read our reivew of LunaPads below and DivaCups here. Welcome to the Green Resolutions Giveaway Hop, hosted by Happy Mothering, Mama Chocolate and Purposeful Homemaking! In addition to my green giveaway, there are 40 additional blogs featuring eco-friendly prize packages. After you’re done entering my giveaway, please visit […]
Review: No-Spill Water Bottles by Contigo
We have been on the search for good reusable water bottles that don’t leak and that we like for a long time. Last winter we discovered the Contigo 17 oz. AUTOSEAL® Swish water bottle and it has been a favorite of Alicia’s ever since. Contigo offered us the opportunity to review some of their products […]
Green Christmas Guide Giveaway: Reusable Coffee Mug & Superba Coffee
Enter to Win Me BelowContigo 16oz. West LoopStainless Steel Travel Mugwith AUTOSEAL® Technology We love coffee, but there are a number of things about drinking coffee that really bother us, such as disposable cups and coffee farming that hurts our planet. As part of the first annual Green Christmas Gift Giving Guide giveaway hop hosted […]
GLC Product Review Policy
We like to review & recommend products. In general, we think that being green means you don’t need a lot of new things. However, everyone needs foods, and not all food products are as green and healthy as others. There are also some things that make being green easier. For example, taking your lunch in […]
Greening Your Drycleaning – the Green Garmento – Giveaway
Do you do a lot of dry cleaning? The most “Green” thing to do if you do a lot of dry cleaning is to stop. However, if you have a very formal workplace and wear suits a lot, that’s probably just not possible. In that case, my suggestion is to find a green […]
Recycled Toilet Paper
Toilet paper is one of those things I just can’t see us doing without in today’s world. Unfortunately most toilet paper on the market is made from virgin paper, which means it is straight from trees and does not have recycled content. Fortunately there are a number of good options for recycled toilet paper available in […]