Wordless Wednesday – Back to School Eco-Style

Here’s are some snapshots from our Back to School shopping.  We tried where ever possible to get environmentally friendly school supplies for our twin second graders. Crayons made with solar power Markers made with recycled plastic FSC Certified Notebook Made with reforested wood Composition notebooks made from sugar cane Full view of the sugar cane […]

Why Buy Recycled?

As you’re doing your back to school shopping, look for the whether the products you are buying are made from recycled materials.  Depending on who made the product and where you’re shopping, this might be a little tag on the back, big letters on the front or a symbol next to the item on a […]

Greening Back-to-School from the EPA

Ready for School If you have school age children, then chances are you’re getting ready to send your children back to school (unless you live in an area that has started already!)  For most people, this means shopping for school supplies, clothes, and possibly even electronics. According to the National Retail Association, on average families […]

Taking the Brown Bag out of Brown Bag Lunches

I have been trying to find ways to reduce my family’s impact on the environment in ways that are low-impact on our family.  I also try to find things that are inexpensive or save us money at the same time.    Regardless of how much money you have, it’s always good to save money where you can, […]

Recycling Juice Boxes

Ever since September, when my son started taking juice boxes to school, he’s been bringing them home.  We’ve had a running argument that he should just throw them out, because they can’t be recycled and they were dripping on his papers.  Then one day my friend in Portland, Oregon mentioned that juice boxes can be […]