Picking Safe and Effective Sunscreen for the Family

Everyone agrees that protecting your skin from sun damage is important, but with all the toxic chemicals in sunscreen today, it is really hard for a parent to choose the right sunscreen for their kids and themselves. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) puts together their sunscreen guide each year carefully comparing the listed ingredients in over […]

Not All Sunscreens Are Created Equal – EWG Sunscreen Guide 2011

During the past year we have been trying to be more careful about what we put ON our bodies, as well as what we put IN our bodies. The Environmental Working Group website is a great resource for learning about chemicals in topical products and what to watch out for. This week they have released […]

Living Healthier Through Sunscreen

We have been working recently on being more careful about what we put ON our bodies, as well as what we put IN our bodies. This summer we are being a lot more careful about putting on sunscreen, both on ourselves and the children. Jon and our older son have always had sensitive skin that […]