Boycott Thanksgiving

I asked the cashier at my local grocery store if they were open on Thanksgiving, and she said “No, thank goodness.  I don’t understand why people have to shop on Thanksgiving.”  However, the bagger had a different opinion.  She said “Well, the men watch football and the women go shopping.  That’s just natural.” What do […]

Thank You!

This Thanksgiving we are thankful for many things including our family, friends and the knowledge that there are many people out there who also care about climate change and the environment. We are thankful for everyone who takes the time to read our blog and think about the things we write. Whether you agree with […]

What to do with Fresh Cranberries…

I received fresh cranberries in our organic fruits & vegetables box this week and I was perplexed.  I’ve never dealt with fresh cranberries and I’m so busy, I just wanted something quick to do. So I did what any modern housewife would do, and I asked the Facebook hive-mind. It turns out, cranberries are very […]